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Corporate plans and reports
Corporate plans and reports

In this section, you can read our plans and reports that show how we meet our principal aims to:

  • contribute to improving the standards of teaching and the quality of learning in Wales
  • maintain and improve standards of professional conduct amongst teachers and persons who support teaching and learning in Wales
  • safeguard the interests of learners, parents, and the public, and maintain public trust and confidence in the education workforce

EWC Strategic Plan 2024-27

Our Strategic Plan 2024-27 sets out our vision to be a trusted, independent, professional regulator that works in the public interest to maintain professionalism and enhance standards within the education workforce in Wales. It outlines the priorities and objectives that will help us realise this vision and the values that will underpin our approach over the next three years.

Read our Strategic Plan 2024-27.

Strategic Equality Plan 2024-28

We are committed to equality and diversity and want to play our part in the creation of a fairer Wales. Our Strategic Equality Plan outlines how we will embrace our role in promoting equality and diversity, both inside our organisation, and (within our remit) across the wider education workforce in Wales.

Read our Strategic Equality Plan 2024-28.

Annual Report and Accounts

Our Annual Report provides a comprehensive overview of our progress and impact over the last financial year and highlights some of our key achievements. It also explains our governance, financial resources, and future plans. 

Read our Annual Report and Accounts 2023-24

Annual Fitness to Practise Report

We publish an annual fitness to practise report that sets out:

  • how we deal with matters referred to us
  • data on the types of cases we deal with, including trends from year to year
  • future developments to improve how we carry out this work

Read our Fitness to Practise Annual Report 2023-24.

Annual Equality Report

We publish an annual equality report that highlights the progress made each year towards delivering our equality objectives.

Read our Annual Equality Report 2023-24.

Annual Welsh Language Standards Monitoring Report

This report provides information on our compliance and outlines how we have implemented the standards.

Read our Annual Welsh language standards monitoring report 2023-24.

Read more about how we comply with the Welsh Language Standards.