Download the Annual Report and Accounts 2023-24 (PDF)
Download the Annual Report and Accounts 2023-24 - overview (PDF)
This document has been laid before the Welsh Parliament jointly by the Auditor General for Wales and the Cabinet Secretary for Education in accordance with Schedule 1 of the Education (Wales) Act 2014.
Performance report
Foreword from the Chairperson
I am pleased to introduce the Education Workforce Council’s (EWC) Annual Report and Accounts for the first time during my tenure as Chairperson, following my election in May 2023. This publication sets out our key achievements and financial profile for the operational year 2023-24.
I am delighted to report that the EWC has once again been successful in discharging all of its statutory functions under the Education (Wales) Act 2014, doing so in a cost-effective manner. I would like to thank all of our staff, Council members, and panellists for their hard work and dedication in helping us to achieve this.
As the independent, professional regulator for the education workforce in Wales, we are clear that first and foremost, our role is to safeguard learners and to uphold public trust and confidence in our education practitioners in Wales. In keeping with this significant responsibility, the EWC now maintains the largest public register in Wales and the widest register of education practitioners in the world, comprising over 90,000 registrants in 11 registration categories.
In addition to our regulatory role, we have other complementary functions within legislation, in particular to promote careers in the education professions and to provide advice to government and others on relevant matters. You can read more about this work within the body of this report.
As an organisation that is independent from government, our core work is funded solely by the annual registration fees paid by our registrants. EWC fees continue to be amongst the lowest of any regulated profession in the world and have remained unchanged since our inception in 2015, meaning that in real terms they have actually fallen.
In response to Welsh Government’s decision not to provide a subsidy towards registrants’ fees for 2024-25, the EWC Council made a determination to use its financial reserves to keep fees unchanged for 2024-25. The EWC must remain financially stable, however we were concerned about the impact a fee increase at short notice would have on our registrants.
Throughout the last year, we have continued to maintain our usual high levels of engagement and interaction with our registrants, stakeholders, and the public, both formally and informally. Should you wish to speak to us about our work, do get in touch, our team will be happy to help.
On behalf of the EWC, I thank you for your interest in, and support for our work.
Eithne Hughes
Chairperson, EWC
Foreword from the Chief Executive
As another year comes to a close, the EWC’s Annual Report and Accounts provide an opportunity to reflect upon the progress we have made in achieving our strategic objectives during 2023-24.
The EWC’s new Council commenced its four-year term on 1 April 2023, electing Eithne Hughes as its new Chairperson in May 2023. It has been a pleasure working closely with Eithne, sharing our focus on ensuring that the EWC continues to be the trusted, independent, professional regulator for the education workforce in Wales.
Legislative changes that came into force in May 2023 saw us welcome practitioners from independent schools and colleges onto the Register, a development that we have long advocated. I was pleased that we were able to work collaboratively with the sector to support the new registrants’ understanding of the EWC, the Code of Professional Conduct and Practice, and the relevance of professional registration.
As of 31 March 2024, there were over 90,000 education practitioners registered in Wales, our highest number to date. We are expecting our Register to expand further over the coming year with the introduction of two further registration categories in May 2024.
Again this year, we have delivered robust registration and regulation through our fitness to practise work, ensuring only those suitable and qualified to practise are able to do so. We have also continued to discharge our statutory duty to accredit programmes of initial teacher education (ITE) for school teachers in Wales, monitoring programmes to ensure compliance with the accreditation criteria which underpins this provision.
In addition to the effective delivery of our regulatory functions, we have sought to positively influence education policy in Wales. We have participated in, and provided guidance to national steering groups covering a range of workforce matters, and responded to national consultations or calls for evidence. Throughout all of this work, we have made extensive use of the unique data held on the Register of Education Practitioners to inform and influence policy development and workforce planning.
As in other countries, recruitment to the education professions in Wales remains challenging. We have continued our statutory role to promote careers within the education workforce through the Educators Wales website, and face to face engagement with individuals at over 200 recruitment events.
As we reflect upon the achievements outlined within this report, I look forward to working with registrants and stakeholders in the year ahead to maintain professionalism and enhance standards within our education workforce.
Hayden Llewellyn
Chief Executive, EWC
This section highlights our key achievements and activities in 2023-24:
Objective 1: Be an effective independent, professional regulator, working in the public interest and building confidence in the education workforce
- Successfully registered 90,812 education practitioners in Wales
- Enabled 151,000 online checks of the public Register
- Issued 1,198 Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) awards
- Processed 64 applications for QTS recognition from outside Wales
- Issued 1,395 induction awards
- Received over 5,500 views of the Code of Professional Conduct and Practice on our website
- Concluded 301 fitness to practise and suitability for registration cases
- Eight ITE programmes assessed for reaccreditation, and one new programme
- Issued 19 Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales awards
Objective 2: Support professionalism and learning within the education workforce
- Supported 3,881 NQTs and mentors as part of statutory induction
- Delivered 41 induction support sessions
- Engaged 42,000+ registered users of the Professional Learning Passport (PLP), supporting registrants to take ownership of their professional standards and learning
- Hosted three national events, facilitating valuable face to face engagement with registrants and the public
- Delivered 500+ registrant and stakeholder support sessions and presentations
- Launched the podcast ‘Sgwrsio with the EWC’, publishing five episodes
Objective 3: Seek to inform, shape, and influence educational policy in Wales for the benefit of the education workforce
- Attracted 687,300 visits to the Educators Wales website
- Advertised 6,982 job vacancies on Educators Wales
- Attended 205 events as Educators Wales, promoting careers in education
- Contributed to 45+ national steering groups, informing the development of education policy and initiatives in Wales
- Responded to 21 consultations/calls for evidence
- Published the national FE and WBL workforce survey findings
- Launched a post-16 sector’s Professional Development Framework Hub
- Supported DARPL to deliver their first annual conference
- Provided Independent secretariat support to the Independent Welsh Pay Review Body (IWPRB)
Objective 4: Be a resilient, capable, and financially sustainable organisation that offers value for money to registrants
- Achieved an unqualified audit opinion for 2022-23 Annual Report and Accounts
- Undertook five internal audit reviews receiving substantial assurance and no recommendations for all
- Complied with data protection, Welsh language, equality, and environmental legislation
- Appointed a new Chair of Council, and 6 new Council members
- Hosted 13 professional learning and training activities for staff, Council members, and other members
- Delivered six staff wellbeing activities
About us
The Education Workforce Council (EWC) is the independent, professional regulator for the education workforce in Wales.
Established by the Education (Wales) Act 2014, we regulate education practitioners in 11 different registration categories spanning schools, further education, youth work, and work-based learning. Our Register of Education Practitioners is the biggest public register of any profession in Wales, and the most wide-ranging register of education professionals in the world, with over 90,000 practitioners registered.
To be a trusted, independent, professional regulator that works in the public interest to maintain professionalism and enhance standards within the education workforce in Wales.
Role and remit
The Education (Wales) Act 2014 formally sets out our role as an independent, professional regulator and strategic leader in the education sector in Wales. The Act also details the obligations that we have to our registrants, learners and young people, parents/guardians, and the public. Our aims and functions, as defined by the Act, are summarised below.
Our aims
- Contribute to improving the standards of teaching and the quality of learning in Wales.
- Maintain and improve standards of professional conduct amongst teachers and others who support teaching and learning in Wales.
- Safeguard the interests of learners, parents/guardians, and the public, and maintain public trust and confidence in the education workforce.
Our functions
- Establish and maintain a Register of Education Practitioners.
- Maintain a Code of Professional Conduct and Practice.
- Investigate and hear allegations that may call into question a registered practitioner's fitness to practise.
- Accredit and monitor programmes of school teacher ITE.
- Provide advice to Welsh Government and others.
- Monitor induction and hear induction appeals.
- Promote careers in the education workforce.
- Undertake specific work at the invitation of Welsh Government.
Our values
We act fairly and with integrity to maintain standards and promote professionalism.
We support the education workforce to maintain high standards of conduct and practice.
We pursue excellence and endeavour to provide a high-quality service for registrants, stakeholders, learners and young people, parents/guardians, and the public.
We work in partnership with the education workforce and stakeholders to develop and promote excellence in teaching and learning.
We are independent and regulate in a way that is impartial and based on evidence.
Our people
Our Council is made up of 14 members who set the organisation’s strategic direction and are responsible for its governance. In 2023-24, our Council has be operating with two unfilled positions.
Each member is appointed for a four-year period. Seven members are appointed directly through the Welsh Government public appointments system, and seven are appointed following nomination from a range of stakeholders.
We currently employ over 50 members of staff. We also maintain and support:
- a pool of 60 fitness to practise panel members
- an ITE Accreditation Board of 11 members
- a pool of 48 assessors of the Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales (31 active)
Financial sustainability
As an independent, professional regulator funded by registration fees, it is essential that we operate within our means and use our resources efficiently. We strive to keep our registration fees as low as possible, whilst providing the highest level of service in fulfilling our statutory duties. Like other regulators, we maintain adequate financial reserves in order to provide stability and ensure that our services are protected from risks that may arise from unexpected events.
We regularly lead activities on behalf of Welsh Government where it is considered that we are the most appropriate body to do such work in Wales. In such instances, Welsh Government will cover our costs through project grant funding. The EWC is also able to undertake commercial activities and does so where it considers this to be in the interests of registrants and the education sector in Wales.
Our Annual Report and Accounts are audited by Audit Wales each year and, thereafter, laid before the Senedd.
The Welsh language
We are committed to the Welsh language and proud to be a bilingual organisation. We work with the Welsh Language Commissioner to ensure full compliance with the Welsh Language Standards.
Our Welsh Language Standards Monitoring Report 2023-24 sets out our compliance with the Welsh Language Standards and outlines the work that we have undertaken over the last year to promote the use of the language, both amongst our own employees, and in engaging with registrants and other external stakeholders.
Equality and diversity
We embrace and champion the principles of equality and diversity, both inside our organisation and, within our remit, across the wider education workforce in Wales.
Our Annual Equality Report 2023-24 sets out the progress we have made in achieving our four equality objectives over the past year. During 2023-24, we worked with stakeholders to develop our Strategic Equality Plan 2024-28 which establishes ambitious new equality objectives, and within its accompanying action plan, details how we aim to achieve them, and how our success will be measured.
Our Council and committee structures
The Council
- Sets our vision and strategic direction.
- Scrutinises performance.
- Holds the Chief Executive to account.
Executive Committee
- development of strategic and operational plans
- progress against operational and strategic objectives through review of quarterly reports and Annual Reports and Accounts
- statutory schemes
Registration and Regulation Committee
- registration and maintenance of the Register
- the Code of Professional Conduct and Practice and fitness to practise
- accreditation of school teacher ITE programmes
- initiatives to assure quality and improve standards in teaching and learning
Audit and Scrutiny Committee
- finance and administration procedures
- risk management processes
- cyber security and data protection
- activity performed by internal and external audit
- reports by the Auditor General for Wales
The senior management team (SMT) is responsible for our operations and management. The Chief Executive is responsible for our leadership, in accordance with the strategic direction set by the Council, and oversees the SMT.
- Chief Executive – Hayden Llewellyn
- Director of Qualifications, Registration and Fitness to Practise - Elizabeth Brimble (until retirement on 31 August 2023)
- Director of Regulation – David Browne (from 1 September 2023)
- Director of Professional Development, Accreditation and Policy - Bethan Holliday-Stacey
- Director of Finance and Corporate Services - Lisa Winstone
Strategic objectives 2023-24
1. Be an effective independent regulator, working in the public interest and building confidence in the education workforce
1.1 Maintain a Register of Education Practitioners that is accurate and accessible.
1.2 Operate robust, fair, and transparent regulatory procedures which ensure that only those deemed suitable to practise may do so.
1.3 Shape the practice of registrants by developing and promoting high standards of conduct and professionalism.
1.4 Accredit and quality assure education programmes and provision in Wales.
1.5 Influence Welsh Government and other stakeholders to ensure that legislation underpinning our regulatory functions is sufficiently robust.
2. Support professionalism and learning within the education workforce
2.1 Provide a suite of guidance, resources, and professional services for registrants.
2.2 Lead and support initiatives to promote and encourage effective professional learning for registrants.
2.3 Lead and support initiatives to promote research engagement and disseminate best practice to registrants.
2.4 Ensure visibility and understanding of the EWC’s work amongst registrants, parents/guardians, the public, and our stakeholders through effective, accessible, and responsive communication and engagement.
3. Seek to inform, shape, and influence educational policy in Wales for the benefit of the education workforce
3.1 Provide independent advice, research, and analysis to inform and influence the development and delivery of education policy in Wales, which serves to enhance standards.
3.2 Collaborate with registrants, parents/guardians, the public, and our stakeholders to inform and influence education policy in Wales, helping to enhance standards.
3.3 Lead initiatives to promote careers within the education workforce and drive improvement in recruitment and retention.
3.4 Act as Secretariat to the Independent Welsh Pay Review Body (IWPRB).
4. Be a resilient, capable, and financially sustainable organisation that offers value for money to registrants.
4.1 Manage resources effectively and sustainably to meet current and future needs, making appropriate use of technology to drive efficiency and improve our services.
4.2 Have effective planning, performance management, and compliance processes, ensuring they incorporate best practice.
4.3 Be an excellent employer that promotes a supportive and inclusive culture where all staff, Council and committee/panel members feel valued and fully able to contribute.
4.4 Influence Welsh Government and other stakeholders to ensure that legislation underpinning our independence, governance, and finances is fit for purpose.
Looking to the future
Our Strategic Plan 2024-27 sets out our priorities for the period and reflects our statutory role and remit within the context of the broader education landscape in Wales.
Key activities for 2024-25 will include:
- continuing to undertake our statutory responsibilities effectively, efficiently, and sustainably:
- delivering robust registration and regulation, meaning only those suitable and qualified to practise are able to do so
- commencing the registration and regulation of further education principals and senior leaders, and adult learning practitioners in Wales
- working with Welsh Government to ensure an appropriate registration fee model for the future
- supporting registrants to uphold the Code of Professional Conduct and Practice and deliver the highest professional standards by providing and promoting useful information, resources, and services designed to offer guidance and direction
- shaping and influencing education policy in Wales for the benefit of our registrants
- promoting careers in education in Wales through the Educators Wales website and the advice and support service
- delivering Welsh Government funded work in line with agreed targets and timescales
- continuing to lobby Welsh Government to ensure that legislation underpinning the EWC is proportionate and maintains our independence
- enhancing our digital services, including an upgraded registration database
- continuing to raise awareness of our role through strengthening our communications with registrants, stakeholders, and the public
Key risks and challenges
We have robust procedures in place to manage organisational risk. Our Risk Register ensures that areas identified are closely scrutinised and regularly reviewed by management. We provide further information about risk management in our Annual Governance Statement.
The majority of the risks in the Risk Register are ongoing risks, however, the following are considered to be particularly pertinent for the coming year:
- The financial constraints within which we operate (as an organisation whose core work is funded by registration fees) mean that it is essential for us to maintain good financial governance. Our registration fees have not changed since we were established in 2015, and we strive to maintain fees at as low a level as possible. We seek to achieve a balance between holding sufficient reserves to ensure our sustainability, whilst providing the highest level of service in fulfilling our statutory duties. We regularly review fee levels and reserves of other regulators.
- In March 2024, Welsh Government announced that it would not be providing registrants with a contribution towards their annual registration fees (known as a subsidy) during 2024-25. We continue to work with Welsh Government to consider potential future funding models and their implications.
- We are in the process of upgrading our registration database to provide a comprehensive self-service system for registrants, employers, and the public. We will closely monitor the progress of this project and ensure there is no interruption to service.
- Cyber security issues constitute a global threat and organisations are susceptible to risk on an ongoing basis, irrespective of size or business type. We have a range of measures and safeguards in place to maintain the security of our IT network and the data held within it. These mechanisms will be monitored and further enhanced as necessary.
Performance analysis
Our Operational Plan for 2023-24 sets out detailed actions and measures for each of our strategic objectives. Responsibility for the achievement of strategic objectives was distributed amongst senior officers and further delegated to teams as appropriate. Progress was scrutinised by both the Council, and the SMT through monthly, quarterly, and annual monitoring processes. Details of our achievements against each of the objectives are set out below.
Objective 1: Be an effective independent regulator, working in the public interest and building confidence in the education workforce
The Register of Education Practitioners (the Register) is integral to our work in ensuring that high standards of professionalism are maintained within the workforce. It protects the public by ensuring that only those who meet and maintain our standards can work in regulated roles in Wales.
As at 31 March 2024, over 90,000 education practitioners, covering 11 groups within schools, further education (FE), work-based learning (WBL), and youth work were registered. We processed 17,605 new registration applications this year, with the largest number of applications coming from school learning support workers (12,159).
In May 2023, new legislation came into force requiring teachers and learning support workers in independent schools and colleges to register with the EWC. It also introduced the requirement for paid qualified youth workers and youth support workers (with provisional registration for those working towards qualified status) in any setting in Wales to register. We have worked extensively with employers throughout the year to ensure they understand their legal obligations in appointing and employing staff who are EWC registered, and to advise them on how their access to the Register can help.
The public-facing Register, available via our website, enables employers, members of the public, and others to check the registration status of education practitioners. This plays a pivotal role in safeguarding learners. Over 151,000 online checks were made between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024 (up from 144,000 checks in the previous year).
We held 32 virtual sessions with universities and FE colleges to ensure that students looking to join the education workforce once qualified understand the legal requirements upon them to register.
We also undertook several exercises this year to improve the completeness of records on the Register.
Case study: registration of practitioners working within the independent sector
Following many years of lobbying by the EWC for practitioners in the independent sector to be registered and regulated, new legislation was enacted in May 2023.
During the year, we worked closely with sector leads including the Welsh Independent Schools Council (WISC) to welcome practitioners from over 80 independent settings in Wales onto our Register. We now have 2,185 individual registrants from independent schools and post-16 special institutions. The new legislation means that the public can be assured that practitioners working in this sector are suitably qualified, adhere to our Code of Professional Conduct and Practice, and are regulated.
Suitability for registration
We require all applicants to declare their criminal, disciplinary, or regulatory history as part of their application for registration. To ensure their suitability to practise. During 2023-24, we concluded a total of 218 assessments where applicants declared specific matters. This resulted in one individual being deemed unsuitable to practice in the registered professions in Wales. In all cases, we have adhered to the timescales and standards set out in our published procedures.
Fitness to practise
We have a statutory responsibility to investigate and, if necessary, hear cases of alleged unacceptable professional conduct, serious professional incompetence, and/or a conviction for a relevant offence. We carry out this work in the public interest to safeguard learners and young people, parents/guardians, and the public, and to maintain public trust and confidence in the education workforce. It ensures that only those who have the necessary skills, knowledge, and behaviours are able to register and work in the education professions in Wales.
This year, we concluded 74 fitness to practise cases. This included 52 fitness to practise hearings, of which 49 took place online, and three in person. There are a range of sanctions that can be imposed as a result of this work. In the most serious of cases 20 individuals were removed from the public Register, meaning they are unable to practice in the registered professions in Wales.
Our Fitness to Practise Annual Report 2023-24 provides detailed information on trends in our casework and the profile of those featured.
Interim suspension orders
Where there is a safeguarding risk to learners, young people, or the public, we have statutory powers to impose interim suspension orders (ISOs). This allows us to temporarily remove individuals from the Register, pending an investigation. In 2023-24, we imposed nine interim suspension orders and undertook nine reviews of existing ISOs.
Induction appeals
We have responsibility for hearing appeals from newly qualified school teachers who fail statutory induction, but are dissatisfied by such a decision. In July 2023, we received an appeal which was heard and upheld by an independent panel in December 2023, in line with our procedures.
Code of Professional Conduct and Practice
The Code of Professional Conduct and Practice (the Code) sets out the standards expected of our registrants and is intended to guide any judgements and decisions they make. It also informs learners and young people, parents/guardians, employers, and the public of the standards they can expect from a registered practitioner.
Failure to comply with the Code may call a person’s registration into question (see Fitness to Practice section). It is therefore important that we support our registrants and stakeholders in understanding the requirements of the Code. In 2023-24, we:
- delivered 38 training sessions on the Code
- added to our suite of good practice guides which complement the Code and provide additional advice to registrants in relation to key areas of practice
- developed and published a short webinar about EWC’s regulatory and registration role, and advice about the safe use of social media
QTS and statutory induction
In order to practice as a school teacher in a maintained school, registrants must hold the professional qualification of QTS and successfully complete a period of statutory induction. This year, we issued certificates to 1,198 people who gained QTS in Wales. We also assessed 64 applications for QTS recognition from applicants who gained qualifications outside of Wales. We issued 1,395 certificates to school teachers who successfully completed their induction.
ITE accreditation
All ITE programmes offered in Wales must be accredited by the EWC and monitored throughout the period of accreditation. We delegate this function to our ITE Accreditation Board (the board). In deciding whether to grant accreditation, the board considers whether the programme meets the Criteria for the accreditation of ITE programmes in Wales (the criteria). In 2023-24, there were 15 programmes operational across seven partnerships.
During the year, the board conducted two monitoring visits (four programmes), four reaccreditation visits (eight programmes), and one accreditation visit (one programme). As a result of this work, two programmes were not reaccredited/accredited.
The EWC has worked closely with ITE partnerships and Welsh Government throughout the year to provide ongoing advice and support. In October 2023, we held our annual event for ITE partnerships focussed on sharing new ideas and practices. For the first time, this was held jointly with Estyn.
In May 2023, Welsh Government published a refresh of the criteria following a full consultation. The refreshed criteria aimed to reflect learning from the first round of accreditation, and developments in Welsh Government policy direction.
Allocation of ITE intake numbers
In November 2023, in collaboration with Welsh Government, we allocated ITE intake numbers to ITE partnerships for programmes commencing in September 2024. In recognising specific teacher shortages in Wales, we also outlined specific Welsh Government requirements for the recruitment of Welsh medium teachers and teachers from black, Asian, and minority ethnic communities. We will continue to monitor recruitment to programmes in 2024-25 and report progress to Welsh Government on a monthly basis.
Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales
We have held the contract for delivering the Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales (the Quality Mark), in partnership with Education Training Standards (ETS) Wales, since January 2020.
In 2023-24, we assessed and awarded the Quality Mark to 19 organisations (10 bronze, six silver, three gold). In total, 36 organisations now hold the Quality Mark.
We engaged extensively with the sector and provided advice and guidance to organisations and individuals thinking about applying for the Quality Mark. We have developed and provided training on the Quality Mark to youth workers and youth support workers.
We also raised awareness of the Quality Mark more widely, including with young people. This year we developed a ‘youth friendly’ introduction to the Quality Mark available as a video on our website.
Case study: the Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales
We were delighted to have been recommissioned by Welsh Government to work in partnership with ETS Wales to deliver and develop the Quality Mark until March 2025.
The Quality Mark is a national award which supports and recognises improving standards in the provision and performance of organisations that deliver youth work services. In order to receive the accreditation, youth work organisations must self-assess against a set of quality standards, and pass an external assessment.
Since being first awarded the contract in 2020, the EWC has:
- completed 60 assessments
- trained 297 youth workers/youth support workers
- trained a pool of 48 assessors (31 active)
Improving standards in teaching and learning
During 2023-24, we continued to undertake grant funded work, on behalf of Welsh Government, to help support and enhance the professionalism of the post-16 workforce in Wales. In July 2023, this work saw us launch a professional development framework. In co-construction with the sector, we created tools/content for the framework to help support staff and leaders working within FE and WBL to engage with the professional standards.
Legislative matters
In addition to the new legislation which came into force in May 2023 widening registration with the EWC (see the registration section), Welsh Government also consulted this year on proposals to further extend the range of practitioners required to register with us. This legislation, which will be enacted from May 2024, will see two new categories added to the Register and introduce minimum qualifications for further education teachers and adult learning practitioners.
Following the increase in EWC registration categories in May 2023, we raised concerns with Welsh Government regarding some of the requirements within existing legislation about the composition of fitness to practise panels. As a result, following a Welsh Government consultation in September 2023, legislation came into force on 1 March 2024 providing more flexibility for the EWC in this regard.
We have continued to engage with Welsh Government and other stakeholders regarding proposals for the professional registration of the childcare and playwork workforce. In March 2024, we responded to Welsh Government’s consultation on the matter. We highlighted the importance of establishing a clear understanding of the work that is undertaken by the practitioners in order to determine whether they may need to be registered with the EWC, Social Care Wales (SCW), or both organisations.
Objective 2: Support professionalism and learning within the education workforce
Supporting registrants’ professional practice
We administer funding, recording, and tracking arrangements for school teachers’ statutory induction on behalf of Welsh Government. This involves working closely with local authorities, the regional consortia, mentors, newly qualified teachers (NQTs), and Welsh Government. In 2023-24, this work included:
- supporting 2,846 new teachers, 1,035 induction mentors, 479 external verifiers, and over 850 schools as part of the induction programme
- distributing funding for induction of over £4.21million to schools, equating to 3,828 payments
- releasing over £2.63 million to the regional consortia to support external verifiers
- providing tailored administrative support to each of the regional consortia
- providing online services, helpdesk facilities, and demonstrations to all registered practitioners accessing their induction profile, external verifiers, the regional consortia, local authorities, and schools
National e-portfolio - Professional Learning Passport (PLP)
We continued to develop and maintain a national e-portfolio for our registrants to support them to plan, record, and reflect upon their professional experiences and learning, and interact with their professional standards. Since its launch in September 2016, over 42,000 practitioners have created their PLP, with almost 5,800 accounts since 1 April 2023.
We have provided online training and support throughout the year to help registrants to use the PLP, worked with partners to develop bespoke workbooks within the PLP, and developed a short animation (published on our website) promoting the benefits of the PLP.
Events to support registrants’ professional practice
We host a range of events for registrants focused upon supporting them in key areas of practice and to help them to comply with the Code of Professional Conduct and Practice. Over the past year, we have continued to use our events to showcase innovative ideas and world-class speakers across a variety of topics.
In January 2024, we were delighted to welcome Professor Shaaron Ainsworth as the host of our annual lecture, Professionally Speaking. The event was attended by more than 240 people who heard Shaaron speak on the topic of ‘Unlocking the mysteries of learning’, providing a fascinating insight into the realms of cognitive science and education.
Case study: EWC Masterclass 2023 – understanding and addressing sexual harassment in educational settings
In May 2023, we hosted a Masterclass (attended by over 175 people) on understanding and addressing peer-on-peer sexual harassment, and building preventative and proactive whole-organisation approaches to addressing the issue. The keynote for the event was EJ Renold, Professor of Childhood Studies at Cardiff University. They were joined by speakers from NEU Cymru, NSPCC, Brook, Barnardo’s Cymru, Welsh Women’s Aid, and Estyn.
Following the event, we recorded a special episode of our podcast, ‘Sgwrsio with the EWC’, focussing on the issue of peer-on-peer harassment. We also published a good practice guide providing registrants with information on how to prevent, identify, and respond to incidents of peer-on-peer sexual harassment and other harmful sexual behaviour (endorsed by Brook, NSPCC, and Barnardo’s Cymru).
Supporting practitioner research
In line with our research strategy, we have continued to promote and support research engagement across our registrant groups. Another strand of work to help our registrants comply with specific aspects of our Code of Professional Conduct and Practice.
We offer a range of online resources for registrants to encourage close to practice research, including providing free access to the EBSCO package of academic journals and e-books. We use Meddwl Mawr, our book and journal club, to raise awareness of EBSCO, and encourage registrants to engage with this free resource. During 2023-24, we recommended 18 books covering topics such as mindfulness, supporting learners with dyslexia, lesson planning, and equitable education.
Communication and engagement
We have continued to strengthen our communication and engagement activity over the last year.
In April 2024, we launched a campaign aimed at further raising our profile amongst registrants, parents/guardians, the public, and our stakeholders. As part of the campaign, we undertook a full review of our corporate literature, attended five national events, launched our own podcast series ‘Sgwrsio with the EWC’, and hosted three EWC events. This work will be reviewed and will continue into the next financial year.
Our online training, support sessions, and presentations have been further complemented by the addition of on-demand training videos, and two corporate animations providing overviews of the Code of Professional Conduct and Practice and the Professional Learning Passport. This has helped us to attract 852,841 page views of our website.
The website itself was redesigned and relaunched in May 2024, incorporating improvements in accessibility, user journey, branding, navigation, and layout. Continuous feedback has been actively sought from users since we went live and implemented where appropriate.
We featured extensively in the media this year, with particular interest in our fitness to practise work. However there has also been press interest in other topics such as the Quality Mark, the results of our 2023 Further Education and Work-based Learning Education Workforce Survey, and our collaboration with other organisations to improve the diversity of the education workforce.
- 16,182 telephone calls received
- 260+ presentations and support sessions delivered
- 852,841 page views on our website
- 9,657 followers on social media
- seven guest blogs published from prominent figures in education
- eight newsletters published
Case study: Sgwrsio with the EWC podcast
In June 2023, we launched our new podcast ‘Sgwrsio with the EWC’ and have released four episodes in the series so far. The podcast aims to cover a range of issues interesting to our registrants, sharing experiences, ideas, perspectives, and providing thought-provoking insights to help them in their day-to-day practice. We have already covered a range of topics, including:
- the Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales
- peer-on-peer sexual harassment
- diversifying Wales’ education workforce
- Welsh in the workplace
A number of prominent guests contributed to our podcast episodes to share their expertise and lived experiences including the Welsh Language Commissioner, representatives from DARPL, Brook, Barnardo’s Cymru, NSPCC, and The Prince’s Trust.
In 2024-25, we are looking forward to covering topics such as wellbeing and education technology.
Objective 3: Seek to inform, shape, and influence educational policy in Wales for the benefit of the education workforce
Supporting educational policy
We are committed to contributing to, and influencing, the development of policy in the interests of our registrants.
The Chair, Chief Executive, and senior officers meet regularly with key figures in education in Wales including the Minister for Education and the Welsh language, senior Welsh Government officials, and education leads from each of the political parties represented in the Senedd. We also work closely with a range of organisations such as trade unions, regional consortia, employers, Estyn, Qualifications Wales, the National Academy for Educational Leadership, Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, Colleges Wales, the National Training Federation for Wales, the Principal Youth Officers Group, DARPL, and the Council for Wales of Voluntary Youth Services.
We participated in, and contributed to, over 45 high-profile national groups with remits extending across schools, FE, work-based learning, and youth work. These have covered key workforce matters such as workload, recruitment and retention, professional learning, wellbeing, and research engagement.
We regularly respond to consultations to advocate on behalf of the education workforce and use our knowledge and expertise to positively influence the education system in Wales. In 2023-24, we responded to nine formal consultations and 12 requests for evidence or advice. This included Welsh Government’s consultations on the registration of independent sector practitioners with the EWC, written evidence to the Equalities and Social Justice Committee’s consultation on the implementation of the anti-racist Wales action plan, oral evidence to Welsh Government on engagement to strengthen the legislative framework for Youth Work in Wales, and the National Centre for Learning Welsh’s call for evidence to review the support available to the education workforce to develop their Welsh language skills.
Evidence-based policy advice
Data and analysis
Our Register offers a wealth of information to inform and influence policy and workforce planning in Wales. It is frequently quoted and referenced in the Senedd, by trade unions, and by the media.
In September 2023, we published our Annual Education Workforce Statistics for Wales. It details the composition of the registered workforce across schools, further education, work-based learning, and youth work settings in Wales. Additional data analyses released over the last year have covered matters such as the Welsh language, ITE results, and NQTs.
Our Register also offers valuable insights into the current recruitment and retention challenges facing education settings in Wales. We are able to use this to provide advice and guidance to Welsh Government and other stakeholders. We have also provided a number of significant data packages to support Welsh Government and others, such as the IWPRB and regional consortia.
In June 2024, we published a report on the Further Education and Work-Based Learning Education Workforce Survey 2023 (carried out on behalf of the national FE lecturer workload steering group, made up of Welsh Government, Colegau Cymru, and the joint trade unions). This detailed survey report covers a range of areas including practitioners perceptions of their role and career, working patterns and workload, wellbeing, and professional learning.
Championing equality and diversity, and health and wellbeing
We know that a diverse education profession is essential to building an inclusive environment for practitioners and learners. Throughout the year, we have worked with partners to promote awareness of equality and diversity matters within the education workforce. This has included:
- working in partnership with DARPL (Diversity and Anti-Racist Professional Learning) and other stakeholders to develop and promote their first national conference
- producing a podcast episode on diversifying Wales’ education workforce, which featured expert speakers reflecting upon their lived experiences
- responding to the Equalities and Social Justice Committee’s consultation in support of their proposals for an anti-racist Wales
- confirming our stance on racism by signing Race Council Cymru’s Zero Racism Wales pledge
Case study: Partnership working with DARPL
We partnered with DARPL to help organise and promote their first national diversity and anti-racist leadership conference, held in June 2023.
Attracting over 250 attendees, the day brought together leaders from across primary and secondary, early years, and youth work. The event focussed on supporting practitioners in moving from non-racist to anti-racist practice and the practical changes that educators in Wales can make.
Our Chief Executive delivered closing remarks at the event, highlighting the EWC’s commitment to promoting anti-racist practice and to supporting the implementation of Welsh Government’s Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan.
Promoting careers in education
We have a statutory function to promote careers within the education professions in Wales and have continued to build the Educators Wales brand and platform to support recruitment and progression.
The Educators Wales website has been populated with new and engaging content. Its jobs portal has been enhanced to provide improved support for employers advertising job vacancies, making it easier for educators to find their next role. This year, the website has seen 687,300 visitors and, for the first time, the Educators Wales job portal has consistently advertised more job vacancies than any comparable provider in Wales.
We also continued to work with partners to implement specific action plans for priority recruitment areas, including supporting ITE partnerships with their plans to recruit to priority subjects, and attract black, Asian and minority ethnic and Welsh language educators.
Through our promotion and advocacy service, we have offered support to individuals, employers, and education establishments by attending 205 events and engaging with thousands of individuals interested in a career in education.
- 687,300 visitors to the Educators Wales website
- 6,982 vacancies posted on the jobs portal
- 682 queries or requests for advice
- 205 recruitment events attended
- 87 demonstrations of the platform to organisations and employers
Independent Welsh Pay Review Body (IWPRB)
As the independent secretariat to the IWPRB, we played a key role in facilitating the work of the review board. Over the last year, this included supporting the IWPRB to produce a report on supply teachers, submitted to the Minister for Education and Welsh Language in April and resubmitted in October 2023 following a consultation exercise, and a strategic review into the structure of teachers' and leaders' pay and conditions in Wales which was submitted in December 2023.
Objective 4: Be a resilient, capable and financially sustainable organisation that offers value for money to registrants
Our Annual Report and Accounts were laid at the Senedd in August 2023. We received an unqualified audit opinion, and for all five internal audit reviews completed in 2023-24, we received the highest audit opinion of substantial assurance with no recommendations made.
For the financial year ending 31 March 2024, we reported a surplus of £135,000 (£247,000 surplus in 2022-23) and total net assets of £5,603,000 (£5,535,000 at 31 March 23).
We have also maintained sufficient financial reserves in order to ensure that the services we provide are protected from any risks that may arise from unexpected events.
Cost effective services
As our core functions of registration and regulation are funded by registration fees, it is essential that we operate within our means and use our resources efficiently. We strive to maintain registration fees at as low a level as possible, whilst providing the highest level of service in fulfilling our statutory duties.
We continued to make improvements to our IT infrastructure and facilities to ensure we offer our registrants value for money for their annual fees. For example, 99% of registration applications are now made online, whilst the majority of our fitness to practise hearings now also take place online.
Our people
We are committed to equal opportunities and have well established approaches to the recruitment, development, and promotion of staff. Recruitment processes are continually monitored and tested to ensure compliance with Welsh Language Standards and equality responsibilities. In 2023-24, we made 12 appointments, four of which were internal.
Staff development
We recognise that our staff are our key asset. As such, we provide training and development opportunities to enable them to flourish. We have a comprehensive staff training programme, which is aligned with organisational objectives. During 2023-24, we held sessions on equality, diversity, and inclusion awareness, and neurodiversity. Individual staff are also able to request training as part of the performance and development review process.
Staff wellbeing
Our aim is to create a physical environment and workplace culture that promotes positive physical and mental health, and wellbeing. We provide staff with free access to a confidential employee assistance support helpline and a suite of webinars from Care First covering a range of health and wellbeing topics. There are also four mental health first aiders within the organisation trained to support their colleagues.
In addition, we have an ongoing staff wellbeing programme through which colleagues are encouraged to participate in a range of activities designed to promote their physical and mental health.
Supporting members
Appointments to the Council are made through the Welsh Government public appointments process every four years. Our new Council was appointed on 1 April 2023 with six new appointments and six members continuing for a further term of four years. All members were supported through a programme of induction and performance review and development. Further recruitment activity is ongoing for the remaining two vacancies. Following a recruitment exercise, a new lay member of our Audit and Scrutiny Committee was also appointed, commencing on 1 April 2023. Council members have an extensive range of experience, with knowledge spanning all of the Council’s 11 registrant groups as well as a lay presence.
We also maintain and support a pool of independent fitness to practise panel members, ITE Accreditation Board members, and Quality Mark assessors. Throughout the year, we have undertaken a number of recruitment exercises to ensure we have sufficient numbers of members with the appropriate knowledge and expertise. We have also provided training to all members throughout the year to support them in fulfilling their roles.
IT security
We have rigorous mechanisms in place to ensure the security of our IT network and the data held within it. We achieved Cyber Essentials certification in May 2023, and undertook payment card industry data security standards compliance checks on a quarterly basis. We provided online cyber security training to all staff and carried out regular phishing testing to maintain staff awareness of cyber issues.
Data protection
We have robust policies and procedures in place to monitor and ensure compliance with data protection requirements.
Training on data protection is provided for all staff, Council members, and panellists. This provision is tailored to suit audience requirements and reviewed annually.
Our data team undertook a full review during the year which updated, consolidated, and shortened our data protection policies to provide a clear and concise suite of documents for all staff to use. These, and any other changes or updates, were shared with staff through our data protection working group (attended by all team managers) and via the staff intranet.
In 2023-24, we responded to six subject access requests and 22 freedom of information requests.
Welsh language
We are committed to the Welsh language and proud to operate as a bilingual organisation, offering services to registrants in both Welsh and English.
We are required to comply with 148 Welsh Language Standards covering service delivery, operational matters, policy making, and record keeping. All staff members have a responsibility to ensure that we meet these standards.
We published our annual Welsh Language Standards Monitoring Report in July 2023, setting out our commitment to, and compliance with, the standards.
We are committed to promoting inclusivity and equality within the sector and to ensuring that we, as employers, promote fairness and diversity, and work effectively towards the creation of a fairer Wales. Our Strategic Equality Plan sets out how we will work towards the goal of achieving equality of opportunity, both within our organisation, and across the wider education workforce in Wales.
We will publish our Annual Equality Report in August 2024, reviewing our progress against the objectives in the Strategic Equality Plan 2020-24.
Case Study: Our commitment to equality and diversity, and the Welsh language
Whilst we have reported on our legislative compliance in these areas, we are committed to going above and beyond compliance, both as an employer, and as part of our wider interactions within education workforce. We are pleased to report that activities over the last year have included:
- using the unique data from our Register to highlight issues relating to equality and diversity, and the Welsh language
- working in partnership with DARPL to organise and promote a national diversity and anti-racist leadership conference
- promoting careers in education with individuals from black, Asian, and minority ethnic communities, and in Welsh medium education
- introducing a regular equalities newsletter for staff and publishing our quarterly ‘Cymraeg ar Waith’ newsletter
- improved the accessibility of the EWC website
- launching a bilingual staff intranet, enabling colleagues to receive and share all internal communications through their preferred language
- signing the Race Council Cymru Zero Racism Wales anti-racism pledge in September 2023
- involving staff, registrants, and stakeholders who represent one or more of the protected groups, in shaping our new Strategic Equality Plan 2024-28
Environmental and community matters
We are committed to minimising our impact on the environment in line with the duties outlined within the Environment (Wales) Act 2016. We have published a
statement on the Section 6 Biodiversity and Resilience of Ecosystems Duty
on our website, which we reviewed this year.
Consultation with employees and stakeholders
We recognise the importance of communication with all employees and of keeping them informed of internal and external developments.
As well as our formal annual staff review arrangements, we have a range of more informal means of working collaboratively, including a calendar of meetings and updates, staff library, and intranet. We also hold an annual staff planning day at which staff discuss and inform the development of our suite of organisational plans.
The employee forum provides staff with an opportunity to discuss and influence the EWC’s work in areas such as health and safety, wellbeing, and the Welsh language.
We meet regularly with our stakeholders and partners in the education sector, using a variety of channels to engage and consult on a range of activities.
We have led two formal consultations this year in relation to our Strategic Plan 2024-27 and Strategic Equality Plan 2024-28.
We have also engaged widely with registrants and stakeholders, across all sectors, as part of the numerous projects we have led throughout the year.
Hayden Llewellyn
Chief Executive
1 August 2024
Accountability report
Corporate governance report
Directors’ Report
The Council has 14 members, including seven members appointed by Welsh Ministers from nominees of organisations set out in Schedule 2 of the Education Workforce Council (Membership and Appointment) (Wales) Regulations 2014, and seven members appointed directly by Welsh Ministers. The Council governance and committee structures are covered in more detail in the performance report.
Members for the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 were:
- Eithne Hughes, Chairperson (elected to position from 15 May 2023)
- Kelly Edwards
- Bethan Thomas
- Nicola Stubbins
- David Williams
- Rosemary Jones
- Geraint Williams
- Sue Walker
- Gwawr Taylor
- Theresa Evans-Rickards
- Jane Jenkins
- Kathryn Robson
- Vacancy (since 1 April 2023)
- Vacancy (since 1 April 2023)
In addition, the Audit & Scrutiny Committee includes one lay member (Alison Jarvis).
Senior officers
Senior officers for the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 were:
- Chief Executive - Hayden Llewellyn
- Director of Qualifications, Registration & Fitness to Practise - Elizabeth Brimble (until retirement on 31 August 2023)
- Director of Finance & Corporate Services - Lisa Winstone
- Director of Professional Development, Accreditation & Policy - Bethan Holliday-Stacey
- Director of Regulation - David Browne (from 1 September 2023)
The Council maintains a Register of Members’ interests, available on the website, which reports any interests which are, or may be, relevant to their work as a member of Council. Senior officers are required not to hold any remunerated post which would conflict with their duties for the Council, and any other unpaid positions are reported. Details of transactions with related parties including Council members and senior officers are disclosed at Note 19 to the Accounts.
Statement of Council’s and Chief Executive’s responsibilities
Under Paragraph 21 of Schedule 1 to the Education (Wales) Act 2014, the EWC is required to prepare, for each financial year, a statement of accounts in the form and on the basis set out in the Accounts Direction. The Accounts are prepared on an accruals basis and must give a true and fair view of the EWC’s state of affairs at the year-end and of its income and expenditure, and cash flows for the financial year.
In preparing the Accounts, the EWC is required to comply with the requirements of the Government Financial Reporting Manual and in particular to:
- observe the Accounts Direction issued by Welsh Government, including the relevant accounting and disclosure requirements, and apply suitable accounting policies on a consistent basis
- make judgements and estimates on a reasonable basis
- state whether applicable accounting standards, as set out in the Government Financial Reporting Manual, have been followed, and disclose and explain any material departures in the financial statements
- prepare the financial statements on a going concern basis
The responsibilities of the Chief Executive, are set out in Managing Welsh Public Money, published by Welsh Government including responsibility for:
- the propriety and regularity of the public finances (for which the Chief Executive is answerable)
- keeping proper records
- safeguarding the EWC’s assets
As Chief Executive, I confirm that:
- as far as I am aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the EWC’s auditors are unaware
- I have taken all the steps that I ought to have taken to make myself aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the EWC’s auditors are aware of that information
- this Annual Report and Accounts as a whole is fair, balanced, and understandable and that I take personal responsibility for this Annual Report and Accounts and the judgments required for determining that it is fair, balanced, and understandable
Annual Governance Statement
The EWC is committed to achieving high standards of governance in the achieving its corporate objectives, including the proper management and control of its resources. This statement describes the governance arrangements for the EWC in 2023-24 and the EWC’s risk and control framework, concluding with an assessment of their effectiveness in the year.
As an independent, professional regulator and a public body, the EWC is not legislatively bound by the central government Corporate Governance Code, although it chooses to follow many of its principles to nourish its practices. As part of their terms of appointment and subsequent suite of governing procedures, Council members are required to adopt the Nolan principles of public life through the EWC’s Code of Conduct and Best Practice for Members. This Code is influenced by the Code of Conduct for Board Members of a Public Body (issued by the Cabinet office in 2011 and reviewed in 2019), Committee on Standards in Public Life (The Nolan Committee), and the additional principles outlined in The Conduct of Members (Principles) (Wales) Order 2001.
Role of the Education Workforce Council
The principal aims and functions of the EWC are to:
- contribute to improving the standards of teaching and the quality of learning in Wales
- maintain and improve standards of professional conduct amongst teachers and others who support teaching and learning in Wales
- safeguard the interests of learners, parents/guardians, and the public, and maintain public trust and confidence in the education workforce
Governance framework
The governance framework consists of the systems and processes employed in the achievement of its activities, and is underpinned by the mission, vision, and values of the EWC. It enables the EWC to monitor and control its operations.
The Education Workforce Council is a body corporate, established by the Education (Wales) Act 2014 and various Welsh Government Regulations, including the EWC (Main Functions) (Wales) Regulations 2015. The Council members (refer to directors’ report for further information) are required to comply with the Code of Conduct and Best Practice for Members.
Members sit on one of three Council standing committees: Executive Committee, Registration & Regulation Committee, and Audit & Scrutiny Committee. The Council meets three times annually (although six meetings were held in 2023-24 to consider additional items), and typically each committee also meets three times annually, with business reported to the next Council meeting. In addition, the Council has established a Performance Review Committee, consisting of the Chairperson and two other members which agrees the performance assessment of the Chief Executive, confirms the award of any increment, and sets the objectives for the future year.
The governance framework is formalised through the EWC’s Standing Orders, which set out how the Council and committees function. In support of that are a series of policies and procedures detailing how the EWC operates and the process for achievement of corporate objectives. These make up the EWC’s system of internal control.
The Chairperson is responsible for providing effective strategic leadership on matters such as formulating the EWC’s strategy for discharging its statutory duties, encouraging high standards of propriety, and promoting efficient and effective use of staff and other resources throughout the EWC, and ensuring that the EWC, in reaching decisions, takes proper account of its statutory responsibilities.
Members’ roles are strategic and include focussing on corporate strategy, key strategic objectives and targets, approval of major policy documents, and major decisions involving the use of financial and other resources. Under Standing Orders, the Council may delegate responsibility for specified matters to committees of the Council, the Chairperson, or the Chief Executive. Council members and officers have complementary responsibilities with regard to the formulation and implementation of Council policy.
Responsibility for day to day management is delegated to the Chief Executive and senior staff, within a clear framework of strategic control by Council members. The Chief Executive has responsibility, under the Council, for the overall organisation, management, and staffing of the EWC, including:
- ensuring that the EWC complies with all relevant legislation
- monitoring compliance with EWC’s internal policies and regulations
- staff conduct and discipline.
He is responsible for the EWC’s proper corporate governance, the effective management of the executive, its financial management, and communications with stakeholders. In his absence, the Chief Executive established deputising arrangements with the Director of Qualifications, Registration and Fitness to Practice (until her retirement on 31 August 2023) and the Director of Finance and Corporate Services (with effect from 1 September 2023) covering the role.
The Chief Executive is supported by his Senior Management Team (SMT) which comprises of three directors as senior officers, listed in the directors’ report. The SMT meets on a monthly basis. Its remit is to advise the Chief Executive on progress against its primary activities, to confirm resource allocation, to monitor and control management accounts based on agreed budgets, to review and amend the Risk Register, and to review and approve new and revised policies affecting all aspects of the EWC’s operations.
In 2023-24, the EWC committed to four corporate objectives, namely to:
- be an effective independent, professional regulator, working in the public interest and building confidence in the education workforce
- support professionalism and learning within the education workforce
- seek to inform, shape, and influence educational policy in Wales for the benefit of the education workforce
- be a resilient, capable, and financially sustainable organisation that offers value for money to registrants
Objectives are interpreted into activities via the three-year strategic and annual operational plans. Operational and financial performance is overseen by the Executive Committee via quarterly reviews which report on achievements against objectives for the reported period. Financial accountability is achieved via the annual budget-setting, based on approved plans, with production of monthly management accounts, which are scrutinised by the SMT. The format of the Annual Accounts is based on the Treasury’s Financial Reporting Manual. This ensures clarity about disclosure of financial performance. These Accounts, and the supporting financial systems, are then subject to external audit, confirming their accuracy and disclosure compliance and the regularity of financial transactions.
Risk and control framework
The risk and control framework is underpinned by the risk management policy, which forms a key strand of the EWC’s internal control and corporate governance arrangements. The policy is aligned to the main principles outlined in HM Treasury’s Orange Book, although this has not been formally adopted as an approach for the EWC. The policy acknowledges that it is not possible to eliminate all risk but through the Risk Register, documents the processes by which risk is reduced to an acceptable level. It also notes that whilst the SMT is responsible for managing the risks, all staff have a role in identifying new potential risks. The policy is reviewed bi-annually, and was last reviewed in July 2023.
The Risk Register details all key threats to achieving the corporate objectives, agreed in the strategic and operational plans. Each key risk is given a score based on its potential impact on the business of the EWC and its likelihood of occurring. The management strategy involves accepting, avoiding, reducing or transferring risks in response. Specific actions required are identified, allocated to a senior manager and actioned by set deadlines. The Risk Register includes an evaluation of the level of ‘residual risk’ after the application of the control. Both opening and residual risks are represented using the traffic light warning system, and are coloured accordingly (red/amber/green). All risks were considered at the quarterly review.
At the year-end, the Risk Register included the following main risks:
| Principal risk | Key mitigations |
Red Inherent risk
Amber Residual risk
If we do not register and regulate registrant groups in line with Welsh Government legislation then our reputation would be damaged and could result in legal action being taken. |
- Monitor volume of applications and FTP cases.
- Arrangements in place to support employer eligibility checks.
- Have in place non-compliance procedures with employers.
- Procedures in place for members and officers.
Red Inherent risk
Amber Residual risk
If operational activity is such that the EWC expenditure exceeds registration fee income, then there could be insufficient funds available to deliver our objectives. |
- Set prudent budgets.
- Close scrutiny and monitoring of registration numbers and expenditure.
- Identify cost and efficiency savings.
- Highlight any concerns to Welsh Government.
- Maintain adequate level of financial reserves.
Red Inherent risk
Amber Residual risk
If a Fitness to Practise Committee makes a decision that is challenged in the High Court and lost, then there will be financial and reputational implications for the organisation. |
- Competencies for panel members and recruitment against these.
- Procedures in place for members and officers.
- Annual training for panel members and half yearly training for chairs.
- High quality legal support for panels and presenting officer services and High Court Appeals.
- Communications and media handling protocols in place.
Red Inherent risk
Amber Residual risk
Following the ONS classification of EWC as a Public Body and its subsequent inclusion in the Government Wales Act 2006 (Budget Motions and Designated Bodies), then EWC resources could be subject to Welsh Parliament controls resulting in our budget being 'voted' by the Senedd and our reserves no longer controlled by EWC. |
- Regular meetings are held with Welsh Government officials to discuss how working arrangement will operate.
- Keep up to date with sector on the classification and designation processes.
Red Inherent risk
Amber Residual risk
Failure to have a registration database in place which is fit for purpose resulting in the inability to discharge our statutory responsibilities. |
- Contract in place to deliver the upgraded database.
- Project plan developed to monitor and manage the project delivery.
- Move the current system to the server hosted environment being used to implement the upgraded system prior to the end of support for Windows in the existing system.
The Risk Register is reviewed quarterly by senior officers, and at meetings of the Audit & Scrutiny Committee, which has a remit to oversee the EWC’s risk management policy. Progress is reported and new risks and controls identified during the regular review by the SMT. No new risks were added to the register in 2023-24.
The Risk Register is taken to Council for consideration once annually, when members confirm that the overall assessment is consistent with Council’s overall risk appetite. This is currently defined as being risk averse and was last reviewed in July 2023.
Financial risks are controlled by a detailed suite of financial control procedures setting out controls, specifying responsibilities, and levels of delegation. Compliance with these procedures promotes high standards of good governance. These were last reviewed in March 2024 to ensure up to date and fit for purpose.
The EWC and Council are determined to ensure that fraud is not accepted or tolerated. There are a number of steps in place to ensure that fraud is prevented including separation of functions set out in the financial control procedures, regular financial monitoring and reconciliation, a staff Code of Conduct describing the standards expected of EWC officers, clear line management systems, and a whistleblowing policy. There were no whistleblowing incidents in the year, nor were any allegations of misconduct received otherwise.
The system of internal control is designed to manage risk to a reasonable level (rather than to eliminate all risk of failure) in order to achieve policies, aims, and objectives. It can therefore only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance of effectiveness. The system of internal control is based on an ongoing process designed to:
- identify and prioritise the risks to the achievement of the EWC’s policies, aims, and objectives
- evaluate the likelihood of those risks being realised and the impact should they be realised
- manage them efficiently, effectively, and economically.
The system of internal control has been in place in the EWC for the year ended 31 March 2024 and up to the date of approval of the Annual Report and Accounts, and accords with Treasury guidance.
The EWC’s business continuity and disaster recovery plan addresses key risks to the organisation in the event of a threat to business continuity relating to buildings or information systems. This includes an annual testing of the plan. The scenario this year was based on a fraudulent supplier payment and what short, medium, and long-term actions should be taken to address the issue.
The EWC is a data-rich organisation in respect of the education workforce in Wales. Data is contained within the EWC’s databases with the appropriate safeguards in place and, where relevant, shared with individual registrants and specified information with employers/other organisations. Other internal data is stored securely and managed in accordance with the data protection principles. There have been no reportable data breaches to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) during the year, as confirmed at monthly meetings of the SMT.
We have continued to invest in our IT infrastructure to ensure our internal and external systems remain robust. Information security is supported by the nightly backup of EWC data to an off-site cloud-based backup service. During the year we upgraded the finance system, Access Dimensions which is now hosted on cloud rather than on-premise.
The EWC has a published standards of service document with a system and timescale for dealing with complaints. There have been no complaints this financial year.
The EWC is committed to deploying its human resources to promote strong corporate governance. It is committed to developing competent and well-trained people to perform the various functions. During the year, it continued with an all-staff training programme, covering specific and general topics. This is in addition to individual identified training provision, including support for studying toward relevant professional qualifications.
An induction day was held with new and existing Council members in April 2023 which covered a variety of topics including an overview from officers on EWC, registration and regulation, policy, engagement, Welsh Government funded work, governance and member support, and finance and compliance. In addition, sessions with external speakers were also held covering equality and best practice for board members. An annual training day is also planned on 25 April 2024.
The EWC has its own annual Performance and Development Review (PDR) programme, which assesses officers’ performance over the previous year and identifies specific objectives and training needs for the following year.
All officers are obliged to comply with the Code of Conduct for employees of the EWC. The EWC has a range of HR policies to ensure consistent expectations and levels of support. Staff have recourse to a whistleblowing policy including named Council members should the need arise. No matters were raised in 2023-24.
Review of Council’s effectiveness
Members’ attendance at meetings held during 2023-24 is detailed in the following table:
Member | Council attendance (total possible in brackets) | Standing Committee attendance (total possible in brackets) |
Executive | Registration & Regulation | Audit & Scrutiny |
Eithne Hughes |
5(6) |
3(3) |
Bethan Thomas |
5(6) |
3(3) |
David Williams |
5(6) |
1(3) |
Geraint Williams |
6(6) |
2(3) |
Gwawr Taylor* |
6(6) |
4(4) |
Jane Jenkins |
6(6) |
2(3) |
Kathryn Robson |
5(6) |
1(3) |
Kelly Edwards |
6(6) |
4(4) |
Nicola Stubbins |
6(6) |
3(3) |
Rosemary Jones |
6(6) |
4(4) |
Sue Walker |
4(6) |
3(3) |
Theresa Evans-Rickards |
6(6) |
3(3) |
*Chairperson of Audit & Scrutiny Committee
Members participate in an annual members’ review process, including an annual self-assessment of performance by members themselves, and an assessment of performance of all members by the Chairperson. This has recently been completed for the 2023-24 year and continues to be very successful.
Achievements against operational objectives are reported and reviewed regularly throughout the year via quarterly reviews. These reviews note achievement on the short-term outcomes and highlight any action remaining. This document is considered by the Chief Executive and the SMT and is overseen by the Executive Committee. A summary of the EWC’s achievements of objectives in 2023-24 is given in the performance report.
In addition, in respect of activities which are publicly funded, regular meetings are held with Welsh Government officials to monitor the achievement of those specific operational objectives. All operational targets were achieved.
Audit & Scrutiny Committee
The Audit & Scrutiny Committee plays a significant role in the corporate governance structure, and through its review advises the Chief Executive on the efficacy of policies, systems and procedures. Its terms of reference are included within EWC’s standing orders.
During the year, it has received and reviewed various reports from both internal and external auditors, completed an assessment of internal and external auditors’ performance and reviewed the Risk Register at each meeting. The committee also received an annual report on compliance with the Freedom of Information Act and Data Protection Act and an annual report on IT services.
All committee activity has supported a positive assessment of the EWC’s governance arrangements.
Internal audit
TIAA act as internal auditors for the year ending 31 March 2024. Within an over-arching three-year plan which ensures cyclical coverage of all areas, an annual programme of work is agreed prior to the financial year. As reviews are completed during the year, reports are presented to the Audit & Scrutiny Committee. The results of the year are summarised in an annual report.
A total of five reports were completed in 2023-24:
- covering risk management – mitigating controls
- governance – strategic control
- stakeholder communications
- financial systems – budgetary control, banking and cash management and general ledger
- qualified teacher status and induction certificates
The following table summarises the level of assurance, and recommendations from each review:
Area | Assurance | Recommendations: Priority |
High | Medium | Low |
Risk Management – Mitigating Controls |
Substantial |
- |
- |
- |
Governance – Strategic Control |
Substantial |
- |
- |
- |
Stakeholder Communications |
Substantial |
- |
- |
- |
Finance: Budgetary Control, Banking and Cash Management and General Ledger |
Substantial |
- |
- |
- |
Qualified Teacher Status and Induction Certificates |
Substantial |
- |
- |
- |
The annual report concluded that “…for the areas reviewed during the year, the Education Workforce Council has reasonable and effective risk management, control and governance processes in place.”
External audit
Assessment on the effectiveness of the governance framework is also implicit in the findings and reports of the financial audit. The Auditor General for Wales (AGW) is the statutory external auditor of the Education Workforce Council, appointed under the Education (Wales) Act 2014. The audit of the 2023-24 Annual Accounts was completed on his behalf by Audit Wales.
Comments on the audit of the 2022-23 Annual Accounts were positive, with the AGW issuing an unqualified audit opinion, confirming that no significant matters had arisen as a result of audit testing, and noting that auditors had not found any material instances where resources have not been properly used and accounted for.
Significant governance issues
The Council has not identified any significant governance issues in the year. Nor have any areas of concern been identified which require strengthening or improvement.
My operational focus has been on:
(a) registering and regulating each of the 11 registrant groups set out in legislation, including bringing practitioners from independent schools and colleges onto the register from May 2023 for the first time
(b) working with Welsh Government to initiate further changes to legislation in 2024-25 in the areas of registration and regulation
(c) implementing ITE accreditation processes as set out in legislation
(d) delivering all Welsh Government grant funded activities to standards agreed
(e) understanding the implications for the EWC as a result of being classified as a public body and designated by Welsh Government in the Government of Wales Act 2006 (Budget Motions and designated bodies) (Amendment) Order 2023
(f) reviewing the impact on EWC reserves as a result of the removal of the registrant fee subsidy from Welsh Government and reviewing options for a future fee review
(g) Supporting a new Chairperson and Council members through training and induction and working with Welsh Government to fill the remaining vacancies on Council
There were no losses or special payments incurred in the year.
In addition, there were no referrals to the Information Commissioner in respect of activity in-year and no complaints have been raised.
Statement by Chief Executive
In summary, I am satisfied that the governance framework of the EWC during the year has been effective, giving assurance of the proper stewardship of resources in performance of its objectives.
Hayden Llewellyn
Chief Executive
1 August 2024
Remuneration and staff report
Remuneration policy
The remuneration and staff report details remuneration practices in respect of Council members and EWC staff.
Service contracts
Staff appointments are made in accordance with the EWC’s recruitment and selection policy, which requires appointments to be on merit on the basis of fair and open competition, but also includes the circumstances when appointments may otherwise be made.
The senior staff covered by this report hold appointments which are open-ended. Early termination, other than for misconduct, would result in the individual receiving compensation as set out in the Civil Service Compensation Scheme.
With the exception of the Chief Executive, all staff salaries are based on Welsh Government salary scales. The Chief Executive’s remuneration is based on an incremental scale, and any progression is approved by the Chairperson and confirmed by the Performance Review Committee. No bonuses are payable.
Members’ remuneration*
The Chairperson is the only member of Council who may be remunerated. The office is not entitled to membership of the Council’s pension scheme.
Eithne Hughes was elected as Chairperson to serve for the period until March 2027 following Angela Jardine’s end of term on 31 March 2023. As a serving Trade Union representative, this appointment is treated as a secondment and a proportion of salary is reimbursed to her employer. Mrs Hughes received no remuneration directly, nor any benefits-in-kind. The Chairperson’s commitment is estimated at an average one and a half days per week.
All other Council members are paid for their expenses, including the reimbursement of costs incurred in travelling to meetings and also payment of supply cover to their employers or equivalent costs, as appropriate. This expenditure is reported as Members’ costs at Note 3 (direct programme costs).
| 2023-24 £000’s | 2022-23 £000’s |
Reimbursement of costs to employer - Chairperson
Angela Jardine
Eithne Hughes |
30 |
- |
*This information is subject to audit
Senior staff remuneration*
The salary, pension entitlements and the value of any taxable benefits in kind of the most senior officers of the Council were, as follows:
Single total figure of remuneration* |
| Salary (£000's) | Bonus payments (£000's) | Pension benefits (£000's) [1] | Total (£000's) |
| 2023-24 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 | 2022-23 |
Hayden Llewellyn (M) Chief Executive |
105-110 |
100-105 |
- |
- |
27 |
-12 |
130-135 |
90-95 |
Elizabeth Brimble (F)* Director of Qualifications, Registration & Fitness to Practise |
40-45 |
85-90 |
- |
- |
16 |
6 |
55-60 |
90-95 |
Lisa Winstone (F) Director of Finance & Corporate Services |
85-90 |
75-80 |
- |
- |
19 |
30 |
105-110 |
105-110 |
Bethan Holliday-Stacey (F) Director of Professional Development, Accreditation & Policy |
80-85 |
75-80 |
- |
- |
21 |
16 |
105-110 |
95-100 |
David Browne (M)* Director of Regulation |
40-45 |
- |
- |
- |
16 |
- |
55-60 |
- |
* Elizabeth Brimble resigned 31 August 2023 and David Browne promoted to Director from 1 September 2023. He was previously employed in a non-director role prior to this. Costs above only relate to the proportion of time he was employed as a Director.
[1] The value of pension benefits accrued during the year is calculated as (the real increase in pension multiplied by 20) plus (the real increase in any lump sum) less (the contributions made by the individual). The real increase excludes increases due to inflation or any increase or decrease due to a transfer of pension rights.
‘Salary’ includes gross salary; overtime; reserved rights to London weighting or London allowances; recruitment and retention allowances; private office allowances and any other allowance to the extent that it is subject to UK taxation. This report is based on payments made by the EWC and thus recorded in these Accounts.
No bonuses are payable by the EWC.
*This information is subject to audit
Fair pay disclosures*
Reporting bodies are required to disclose the relationship between the remuneration of the highest-paid director in their organisation and the remuneration of the organisation’s workforce.
| 2023-24 | 2022-23 |
Band of highest paid individual’s remuneration (£000's) |
105-110 |
100-105 |
% change from the previous financial year for the highest paid director |
4.88% |
5.13% |
Average salary and allowances (excluding highest-paid director) |
£38,816 |
£37,372 |
% change from previous financial year for the employees as a whole |
3.86% |
2.62% |
The banded remuneration of the highest-paid director in the EWC in the financial year 2023-24 was £105,000-£110,000 (2022-23, £100,000-£105,000). The percentage change from the previous financial year is 4.88% (2022-23 5.13%). The average salary and allowances (excluding the highest paid director) has increased by 3.86% (2022-23 2.62%) due to the implementation of an all staff pay award with effect from 1 April 2023 and a £1,500 non-consolidated cost of living payment to all staff which was made in August 2023.
Pay ratios | 2023-24 | 2022-23 |
25th percentile total pay and benefits |
£29,999 |
£30,610 |
25th percentile pay ratio |
3.6 |
3.4 |
Median total pay and benefits |
£32,141 |
£31,535 |
Median pay ratio |
3.3 |
3.3 |
75th percentile total pay and benefits |
£41,675 |
£39,690 |
75th percentile pay ratio |
2.6 |
2.6 |
The remuneration of the highest paid director was 3.6 times (2022-23 3.4) the 25th percentile remuneration of the workforce, which was £29,999 (2022-23 £30,610), 3.3 times (2022-23 3.3) the median remuneration of the workforce, which was £32,141 (2022-23 £31,535), and 2.6 times (2022-23 2.6) the 75th percentile remuneration of the workforce, which was £41,675 (2022-23 £39,690). The 25th percentile pay ratio has slightly increased this year with the other ratios remaining fairly static. There was a 5% all staff pay award implemented with effect from 1 April 2023.
In 2023-24, no employees (2022-23, nil) received remuneration in excess of the highest-paid director (the Chief Executive). Remuneration ranged from £26,901 to £106,056 (2022-23, £25,620 to £101,006).
Total remuneration includes salary, non-consolidated performance-related pay, and benefits-in-kind. It does not include employer pension contributions and the cash equivalent transfer value of pensions.
Benefits in kind
The monetary value of benefits in kind covers any benefits provided by the EWC and treated by HM Revenue and Customs as a taxable emolument. No benefits in kind were paid during the year.
Pension benefits*
Accrued pension at pension age as at 31/3/24 and related lump sum | Real increase in pension and related lump sum at pension age | CETV at 31/3/24 | CETV at 31/3/23 | Real increase in CETV |
£000's | £000's | £000's | £000's | £000's |
Hayden Llewellyn (M) Chief Executive |
40 - 45 plus a lump sum of 115-120
0 – 2.5 plus a lump sum of 0
Elizabeth Brimble (F) Director of Qualifications, Registration & Fitness to Practice |
0 – 5
0 – 2.5
Lisa Winstone (F) Director of Finance & Corporate Services |
20 - 25
0 – 2.5
Bethan Holliday-Stacey (F) Director of Professional Development, Accreditation & Policy |
30 - 35 plus a lump sum of 85 -90
0 – 2.5 plus a lump sum of 0
David Browne (M) Director of Regulation |
5 -10
0 – 2.5
Civil Service Pensions
Pension benefits are provided through the Civil Service pension arrangements. Before 1 April 2015, the only scheme was the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme (PCSPS), which is divided into a few different sections – classic, premium, and classic plus provide benefits on a final salary basis, whilst nuvos provides benefits on a career average basis. From 1 April 2015 a new pension scheme for civil servants was introduced – the Civil Servants and Others Pension Scheme or alpha, which provides benefits on a career average basis. All newly appointed civil servants, and the majority of those already in service, joined the new scheme.
The PCSPS and alpha are unfunded statutory schemes. Employees and employers make contributions (employee contributions range between 4.6% and 8.05%, depending on salary). The balance of the cost of benefits in payment is met by monies voted by Parliament each year. Pensions in payment are increased annually in line with the Pensions Increase legislation. Instead of the defined benefit arrangements, employees may opt for a defined contribution pension with an employer contribution, the partnership pension account.
In alpha, pension builds up at a rate of 2.32% of pensionable earnings each year, and the total amount accrued is adjusted annually in line with a rate set by HM Treasury. Members may opt to give up (commute) pension for a lump sum up to the limits set by the Finance Act 2004. All members who switched to alpha from the PCSPS had their PCSPS benefits ‘banked’, with those with earlier benefits in one of the final salary sections of the PCSPS having those benefits based on their final salary when they leave alpha.
The accrued pensions shown in this report are the pension the member is entitled to receive when they reach normal pension age, or immediately on ceasing to be an active member of the scheme if they are already at or over normal pension age. Normal pension age is 60 for members of classic, premium, and classic plus, 65 for members of nuvos, and the higher of 65 or State Pension Age for members of alpha. The pension figures in this report show pension earned in PCSPS or alpha, – as appropriate. Where a member has benefits in both the PCSPS and alpha, the figures show the combined value of their benefits in the two schemes, but note that the constituent parts of that pension may be payable from different ages.
When the Government introduced new public service pension schemes in 2015, there were transitional arrangements which treated existing scheme members differently based on their age. Older members of the PCSPS remained in that scheme, rather than moving to alpha. In 2018, the Court of Appeal found that the transitional arrangements in the public service pension schemes unlawfully discriminated against younger members.
As a result, steps are being taken to remedy those 2015 reforms, making the pension scheme provisions fair to all members. The public service pensions remedy is made up of two parts. The first part closed the PCSPS on 31 March 2022, with all active members becoming members of alpha from 1 April 2022. The second part removes the age discrimination for the remedy period, between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022, by moving the membership of eligible members during this period back into the PCSPS on 1 October 2023. This is known as ’rollback’.
For members who are in scope of the public service pension remedy, the calculation of their benefits for the purpose of calculating their Cash Equivalent Transfer Value and their single total figure of remuneration, as of 31 March 2023 and 31 March 2024, reflects the fact that membership between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022 has been rolled back into the PCSPS. Although members will in due course get an option to decide whether that period should count towards PCSPS or alpha benefits, the figures show the rolled back position i.e., PCSPS benefits for that period.
The partnership pension account is an occupational defined contribution pension arrangement which is part of the Legal & General Mastertrust. The employer makes a basic contribution of between 8% and 14.75% (depending on the age of the member). The employee does not have to contribute, but where they do make contributions, the employer will match these up to a limit of 3% of pensionable salary (in addition to the employer’s basic contribution). Employers also contribute a further 0.5% of pensionable salary to cover the cost of centrally-provided risk benefit cover (death in service and ill health retirement).
Further details about the Civil Service pension arrangements can be found on their website.
Cash Equivalent Transfer Values
A Cash Equivalent Transfer Value (CETV) is the actuarially assessed capitalised value of the pension scheme benefits accrued by a member at a particular point in time. The benefits valued are the member’s accrued benefits and any contingent spouse’s pension payable from the scheme. A CETV is a payment made by a pension scheme or arrangement to secure pension benefits in another pension scheme or arrangement when the member leaves a scheme and chooses to transfer the benefits accrued in their former scheme. The pension figures shown relate to the benefits that the individual has accrued as a consequence of their total membership of the pension scheme, not just their service in a senior capacity to which disclosure applies.
The figures include the value of any pension benefit in another scheme or arrangement which the member has transferred to the Civil Service pension arrangements. They also include any additional pension benefit accrued to the member as a result of their buying additional pension benefits at their own cost. CETVs are worked out in accordance with The Occupational Pension Schemes (Transfer Values) (Amendment) Regulations 2008 and do not take account of any actual or potential reduction to benefits resulting from Lifetime Allowance Tax which may be due when pension benefits are taken.
Real increase in CETV
This reflects the increase in CETV that is funded by the employer. It does not include the increase in accrued pension due to inflation, contributions paid by the employee (including the value of any benefits transferred from another pension scheme or arrangement), and uses common market valuation factors for the start and end of the period.
Compensation for loss of office
No compensation payments for loss of office were made in the year to those staff included in this remuneration and staff report, or any other employees.
Staff report
Number of persons employed by employment type*
During 2023-24, the EWC employed an average of 56.3 staff~ (2022-23 – 55.1) (including officers on maternity leave), as follows:
EWC | WG | Total | 2022-23 |
Permanent contract |
37 |
18.3 |
55.3 |
54.1 |
Fixed term contract |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
Temporary |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Total |
38 |
18.3 |
56.3 |
55.1 |
~Full time equivalents
The staff composition by gender as at the end of the financial year was, as follows:
By gender | 31 March 2024 | 31 March 2023 |
Staff |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Senior |
2 |
2 |
4 |
1 |
3 |
4 |
General |
16 |
36 |
52 |
19 |
34 |
53 |
Temporary |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Total |
18 |
38 |
56 |
20 |
37 |
57 |
The average age of the EWC’s staff on 31 March 2024 was 41 years (41 years, at 31 March 2023)..
Sickness absence
The EWC monitors sickness absence on an ongoing basis, reviewing both cumulative and long-term absences. In 2023-24, employees reported a total of 265.5 days sickness absence (218.5 days, 2022-23) of which 32.7% was in respect of long-term sickness (20.6%, 2022-23).
Absence due to sickness is higher than the previous reporting year, but lower than the national average, reporting an average of 4.73 days per employee (4.01 days, 2022-23). The most recently reported national average was 5.7 days per worker in 2022 (ONS, 2023). In February 2024, the UK Government reported that the average for civil service staff in the year ending 31 March 2023 was 8.1 days per worker (UK Gov, 2024). There were no retirements on the grounds of ill health.
During the year, the Chief Executive had a period of long-term sickness from 24 July 2023 to 25 August 2023. During this time his duties were covered by the Deputy Chief Executive.
Staff costs*
EWC | WG activities | 2023-24 | 2022-23 |
Permanent staff | Other | Permanent staff | Other | Total | Total |
£000’s | £000’s | £000’s | £000’s | £000’s | £000’s |
Salaries |
1,549 |
0 |
724 |
0 |
2,273 |
2,065 |
Social Security costs |
166 |
0 |
78 |
0 |
244 |
231 |
Pension costs |
401 |
0 |
191 |
0 |
592 |
563 |
Total |
2,116 |
0 |
993 |
0 |
3,109 |
2,859 |
Agency costs |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Total |
2,116 |
0 |
993 |
0 |
3,109 |
2,859 |
No agency staff have been utilised during 2023-24 (2022-23, nil).
The Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme (PCSPS) and the Civil Servants and Others Pension Scheme (CSOPS) (known as alpha) are unfunded multi-employer defined benefit scheme but the EWC is unable to identify its share of the underlying assets and liabilities. The scheme actuary valued the scheme as at 31 March 2020. You can find details in the resource accounts of the Cabinet Office: Civil Superannuation
For 2023-24, employers’ contributions of £592,347 were payable to the PCSPS (2022-23, £563,185) at one of four rates in the range 26.6% to 30.3% of pensionable earnings, based on salary bands. The scheme actuary reviews employer contributions usually every four years following a full scheme valuation. The contribution rates are set to meet the cost of the benefits accruing during 2023-24 to be paid when the member retires and not the benefits paid during this period to existing pensioners.
Employees can opt to open a partnership pension account, a stakeholder pension with an employer contribution. No EWC employees took up this option, and therefore no employer’s contributions were made.
Off-payroll arrangements
No payments were made under off-payroll arrangements during the year (2022-23, nil)..
Exit packages
There were no redundancy or other departure costs in the year (2022-23, £nil).
*The above information is subject to audit.
Hayden Llewellyn
Chief Executive
1 August 2024
Audit report
The Certificate and report of the Auditor General for Wales to the Senedd
Opinion on financial statements
I certify that I have audited the financial statements of the Education Workforce Council for the year ended 2023-24 under the Education (Wales) Act 2014.
The financial statements comprise the Statements of Comprehensive Income, Financial Position, Cash Flows, Changes in Taxpayers’ Equity, and related notes, including the significant accounting policies. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and UK adopted international accounting standards as interpreted and adapted by HM Treasury’s Financial Reporting Manual.
In my opinion, in all material respects, the financial statements:
- give a true and fair view of the state of the Council’s affairs as at 31st March 2024 and of its surplus on ordinary activities for the year then ended;
- have been properly prepared in accordance with UK adopted international accounting standards as interpreted and adapted by HM Treasury’s Financial Reporting Manual.
- have been properly prepared in accordance with Welsh Ministers’ directions issued under the Education (Wales) Act 2014.
Opinion on regularity
In my opinion, in all material respects, the income and expenditure recorded in the financial statements have been applied to the purposes intended by the Senedd and the financial transactions recorded in the financial statements conform to the authorities which govern them.
Basis for opinions
I conducted my audit in accordance with applicable law and International Standards on Auditing in the UK (ISAs (UK)) and Practice Note 10 ‘Audit of Financial Statements of Public Sector Entities in the United Kingdom’. My responsibilities under those standards are further described in the auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements section of my certificate.
My staff and I are independent of the body in accordance with the ethical requirements that are relevant to my audit of the financial statements in the UK including the Financial Reporting Council’s Ethical Standard, and I have fulfilled my other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my opinions.
Conclusions relating to going concern
In auditing the financial statements, I have concluded that the use of the going concern basis of accounting in the preparation of the financial statements is appropriate.
Based on the work I have performed, I have not identified any material uncertainties relating to events or conditions that, individually or collectively, may cast significant doubt on the body’s ability to continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting for a period of at least twelve months from when the financial statements are authorised for issue.
My responsibilities and the responsibilities of the Chief Executive with respect to going concern are described in the relevant sections of this certificate.
The going concern basis of accounting for the Council is adopted in consideration of the requirements set out in HM Treasury’s Government Financial Reporting Manual, which require entities to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in the preparation of the financial statements where it anticipated that the services which they provide will continue into the future.
Other information
The other information comprises the information included in the annual report other than the financial statements and my auditor’s report thereon. The Chief Executive is responsible for the other information in the annual report. My opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and, except to the extent otherwise explicitly stated in my report, I do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon. My responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or knowledge obtained in the course of the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If I identify such material inconsistencies or apparent material misstatements, I am required to determine whether this gives rise to a material misstatement in the financial statements themselves. If, based on the work I have performed, I conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, I am required to report that fact.
I have nothing to report in this regard.
Opinion on other matters
In my opinion, the part of the Remuneration and Staff Report to be audited has been properly prepared in accordance with Welsh Ministers’ directions made under the Education (Wales) Act 2014.
In my opinion, based on the work undertaken in the course of my audit:
- the parts of the Accountability Report subject to audit have been properly prepared in accordance with Welsh Minsters’ directions made under the Education (Wales) Act 2014; and
- the information given in the Foreword, Performance Report and Accountability Report for the financial year for which the financial statements are prepared is consistent with the financial statements and is in accordance with the applicable legal requirements.
Matters on which I report by exception
In the light of the knowledge and understanding of the body and its environment obtained in the course of the audit, I have not identified material misstatements in the Foreword, Performance Report and Accountability Report.
I have nothing to report in respect of the following matters which I report to you if, in my opinion:
- I have not received all of the information and explanations I require for my audit;
- proper accounting records have not been kept or returns adequate for my audit have not been received from branches not visited by my team;
- the financial statements and the audited part of the Accountability Report are not in agreement with the accounting records and returns;
- information specified by Welsh Ministers regarding remuneration and other transactions is not disclosed;
- certain disclosures of remuneration specified by HM Treasury’s Government Financial Reporting Manual are not made or parts of the Remuneration and Staff Report to be audited are not in agreement with the accounting records and returns; or
- the Governance Statement does not reflect compliance with HM Treasury’s guidance.
Responsibilities of the Chief Executive for the financial statements
As explained more fully in the Statement of the Council’s and Chief Executive’s Responsibilities, the Chief Executive is responsible for:
- maintaining proper accounting records;
- the preparation of the financial statements and Annual Report in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view;
- ensuring that the Annual Report and financial statements as a whole are fair, balanced and understandable;
- ensuring the regularity of financial transactions;
- internal controls as the Chief Executive determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements to be free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error;
- assessing the Council’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the Chief Executive anticipates that the services provided by the Council will not continue to be provided in the future.
Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements
My responsibility is to audit, certify and report on the financial statements in accordance with the Education (Wales) Act 2014.
My objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes my opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs (UK) will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.
Irregularities, including fraud, are instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations. I design procedures in line with my responsibilities, outlined above, to detect material misstatements in respect of irregularities, including fraud.
My procedures included the following:
- enquiring of management, the audited entity’s head of internal audit and those charged with governance, including obtaining and reviewing supporting documentation relating to the Council’s policies and procedures concerned with:
- identifying, evaluating and complying with laws and regulations and whether they were aware of any instances of non-compliance;
- detecting and responding to the risks of fraud and whether they have knowledge of any actual, suspected or alleged fraud; and
- the internal controls established to mitigate risks related to fraud or non-compliance with laws and regulations.
- considering as an audit team how and where fraud might occur in the financial statements and any potential indicators of fraud. As part of this discussion, I identified potential for fraud in the following areas: revenue recognition, expenditure recognition, and the posting of unusual journals;
- obtaining an understanding of the Council’s framework of authority as well as other legal and regulatory frameworks that the Council operates in, focusing on those laws and regulations that had a direct effect on the financial statements or that had a fundamental effect on the operations of the Council;
- obtaining an understanding of related party relationships.
In addition to the above, my procedures to respond to identified risks included the following:
- reviewing the financial statement disclosures and testing to supporting documentation to assess compliance with relevant laws and regulations discussed above;
- enquiring of management, the Audit Committee and legal advisors about actual and potential litigation and claims;
- reading minutes of meetings of those charged with governance and the Senior Management Team;
- in addressing the risk of fraud through management override of controls, testing the appropriateness of journal entries and other adjustments; assessing whether the judgements made in making accounting estimates are indicative of a potential bias; and evaluating the business rationale of any significant transactions that are unusual or outside the normal course of business.
I also communicated relevant identified laws and regulations and potential fraud risks to all audit team members and remained alert to any indications of fraud or non-compliance with laws and regulations throughout the audit.
The extent to which my procedures are capable of detecting irregularities, including fraud, is affected by the inherent difficulty in detecting irregularities, the effectiveness of the Council’s controls, and the nature, timing and extent of the audit procedures performed.
A further description of the auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements is located on the Financial Reporting Council's website This description forms part of my auditor’s report.
Other auditor’s responsibilities
I obtain evidence sufficient to give reasonable assurance that the expenditure and income recorded in the financial statements have been applied to the purposes intended by the Senedd and the financial transactions recorded in the financial statements conform to the authorities which govern them.
I communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that I identify during my audit.
I have no observations to make on these financial statements.
Adrian Crompton
Auditor General for Wales
1 Capital Quarter
Tyndall Street
CF10 4BZ
7 August 2024
The maintenance and integrity of the Council’s website is the responsibility of the Chief Executive; the work carried out by auditors does not involve consideration of these matters and accordingly auditors accept no responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the financial statements since they were initially presented on the website.
Financial statements
Statement of comprehensive income for the year ending 31 March 2024
Note | 2023-24 | 2022-23 |
£000’s | £000’s |
Income |
Grant from Welsh Government |
9,252 |
9,389 |
Registration fees |
2,756 |
2,644 |
Other income |
2 |
101 |
103 |
Release from Reserves |
15 |
67 |
53 |
Total income |
12,176 |
12,189 |
Expenditure |
Staff costs |
* |
3,109 |
2,859 |
Direct programme costs |
3 |
1,677 |
1,546 |
Induction programme costs |
4 |
6,406 |
6,615 |
Other operating costs |
5 |
424 |
383 |
Depreciation |
7 |
68 |
84 |
Amortisation |
8 |
449 |
424 |
Right of use lease depreciation |
9 |
121 |
122 |
Finance charges – lease |
17 |
6 |
7 |
Total expenditure |
12,260 |
12,040 |
Surplus/(Deficit) on ordinary activities |
(84) |
149 |
Interest receivable |
6 |
219 |
98 |
Net income for the year transferred to reserves |
135 |
247 |
All EWC-funded activities are continuing.
*A breakdown of staff costs is included in the staff report.
The notes form part of these accounts.
Statement of financial position as at 31 March 2024
Note | 31 March 2024 | 31 March 2023 |
Non-current assets |
£000’s | £000’s |
Property, plant and equipment |
7 |
34 |
89 |
Intangible assets |
8 |
648 |
904 |
Right of use asset – lease |
9 |
517 |
638 |
Total non-current assets |
1,199 |
1,631 |
Current assets |
Short-term investments |
2,503 |
2,503 |
Trade and other receivables |
10 |
469 |
723 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
11 |
5,237 |
5403 |
Total current assets |
8,209 |
8,629 |
Total assets |
9,408 |
10,260 |
Current liabilities |
Trade and other payables |
12 |
(3,143) |
(3,829) |
Provisions for liabilities and charges |
13 |
- |
- |
Total current liabilities |
(3,143) |
(3,829) |
Non-current assets +/- net current assets/liabilities |
6,265 |
6,431 |
Non-current liabilities |
Deferred grant income |
12 |
(242) |
(351) |
Deferred creditor |
12 |
- |
- |
Right of use lease liability |
17 |
(420) |
(545) |
Total on-current liabilities |
(662) |
(896) |
Assets less liabilities |
5,603 |
5,535 |
Financed by: |
Taxpayers' equity |
General reserve |
4,536 |
4,401 |
Database reserve |
15 |
767 |
797 |
Fitness to Practise reserve |
15 |
300 |
300 |
Accommodation reserve |
15 |
- |
37 |
Total capital and reserves |
5,603 |
5,535 |
Hayden Llewellyn
Chief Executive
1 August 2024
The notes form part of these accounts.
Statement of cash flows for the year ending 31 March 2024
Note | 2023-24 | 2022-23 |
£000’s | £000’s |
Cash flows from operating activities |
14 |
(48) |
1,052 |
Cash flows from investing activities |
Interest received |
6 |
219 |
98 |
Purchase of property, plant and equipment |
7 |
(13) |
(30) |
Purchase of intangible assets |
8 |
(192) |
(488) |
Increase in short-term investments |
(0) |
(0) |
Right of use asset: lease payments |
17 |
(131) |
(95) |
Net Increase/(Decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
(166) |
531 |
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 April |
5,403 |
4,872 |
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 March |
5,237 |
5,403 |
Statement of changes in taxpayers’ equity for the year ending 31 March 2024
General reserve | Designated reserves | Total | 2022-23 |
Balance at 1 April |
4,401 |
1,134 |
5,535 |
5,296 |
Surplus for the year |
135 |
- |
135 |
247 |
Transfers to/(from) designated reserves (Note 15) |
- |
(67) |
(67) |
(8) |
Balance at 31 March |
4,536 |
1,067 |
5,603 |
5,535 |
The notes form part of these accounts.
Notes to the accounts
1. Accounting policies
1.1 Accounting convention
These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the 2023-24 Government Financial Reporting Manual (FReM) issued by HM Treasury. The accounting policies contained in the FReM apply International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adapted or interpreted for the public sector context. Where the FReM permits a choice of accounting policy, the accounting policy which is judged to be most appropriate to the particular circumstances of the Education Workforce Council (the EWC) for the purpose of giving a true and fair view has been selected. The particular policies adopted by the EWC are described below. They have been applied consistently in dealing with items that are considered material to the Accounts.
Accounting standards issued, not yet effective:
IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts has not yet been adopted by the public sector and the date of adoption is 1 April 2025. The underlying aim of IFRS 17 is to make risk transfer contracts more comparable between different entities. As the EWC does not hold any insurance contracts, this is unlikely to have an impact on the EWC’s financial statements when this is adopted.
1.2 Registration fee income
The registration year runs from 1 April to 31 March annually with the fee becoming due on 1 April every year. The fee is required to be paid in full regardless of the date a practitioner actually registers with the EWC – there is no reduction for part-year registration.
Fee income was credited to the Statement of Comprehensive Income on an accruals basis, with any fees received in advance for the following financial year being treated as pre-paid income and recorded in the Statement of Financial Position as a liability.
1.3 Induction expenditure
Induction programme expenditure is recognised on the basis of the academic term in which the training activity was completed. Grant expenditure and income due in respect of the spring term is included within Accruals (grant expenditure due to schools) and Receivables (grant due from Welsh Government) depending on the timing of payment and receipt of relevant grants. Spring term could occasionally span two financial years, although this is not always the case as Easter determines the spring term end date. For this reason, and as approved by audit historically, the spring term, regardless of when it finishes, is accounted for in the year where all, or the majority of sessions occur.
1.4 Non-current assets
Non-current assets are defined as any single piece of equipment, costing more than £1,000 (inclusive of VAT) that has an estimated economic/operational life of more than one year. Where it is more usual to treat individual components as a group, these are treated as assets so long as their collective value exceeds the capitalisation threshold.
Non-current assets have been valued at historic cost at the year-end as, in the opinion of the EWC, any revaluation adjustments are not material.
1.5 Depreciation
Depreciation is provided on all non-current assets at rates calculated to write off the cost, less any estimated residual value of each asset, evenly over their expected useful lives as follows:
- all electrical equipment, including computers and office equipment, is depreciated on a straight-line basis over three years
- furniture and fixtures and fittings are depreciated on a straight-line basis over five years
In all cases, depreciation will commence from the month following purchase.
1.6 Intangible assets
Software development work and website content and licences costing more than £1,000 (inclusive of VAT) and with an estimated economic/operational life of more than one year are capitalised.
Amortisation is provided on intangible assets at rates calculated to write off the cost of each asset over its expected useful life:
- database and website development work is amortised on a straight-line basis over three years
- software licences are amortised on a straight-line basis over their life
In both cases, amortisation will commence from the month following purchase.
1.7 Government grants
The EWC receives project grant income from Welsh Government for the following areas:
- administering the award of QTS
- administering funding, tracking, and recording arrangements for induction
- developing and hosting the PLP
- issuing induction certificates
- developing the Educators Wales website
- acting as the Secretariat to the IWPRB
- data analysis
- leading a range of national initiatives and research projects on specific teaching and learning matters
In addition to project grant funding, the EWC also receives Grant in Aid from Welsh Government for the following areas:
- subsidy to registrants for the registration fee
- promoting careers in the education professions
All grants received are credited to the statement of comprehensive income in the year they are received (on an accruals basis), with any outstanding balances credited to accrued or deferred income at the year-end accordingly.
Where funding is received in respect of the purchase of non-current and intangible assets, grant income is treated as deferred (Long Term Liability), and released in proportion to the value of the asset consumed annually.
1.8 Pension costs
Past and present employees are covered by the provisions of the Civil Service Pension Schemes which are described within the remuneration and staff report. The defined benefit elements of the schemes are unfunded. The EWC recognises the expected costs of these elements on a systematic and rational basis over the period during which it benefits from employees’ services by payment to the Principal Civil Service Pension Schemes (PCSPS) of amounts calculated on an accruing basis. Liability for payment of future benefits is a charge on the PCSPS and the Civil Servant and Other Pension Scheme (CSOPS). In respect of the defined contribution elements of the schemes, the EWC recognises the contributions payable for the year.
1.9 Value Added Tax (VAT)
Most of the EWC’s activities are outside the scope of VAT and, in general, output tax does not apply and input tax on purchases is not recoverable. Irrecoverable VAT is charged to the relevant expenditure category or capitalised if related to a fixed asset. Where output tax is charged or input VAT is recoverable, the amounts are stated net of VAT.
1.10 Right of use assets
In accordance with IFRS 16, at inception of a contract, we assess whether or not a contract is, or contains a lease. A contract or parts of a contract that convey the right to use an asset in exchange for consideration are classified as leases and are accounted for in accordance with IFRS 16.
A contract is, or contains a lease, if:
- the contract involves the use of an identified asset
- we have the right to obtain and substantially all of the economic benefit from the use of the asset throughout the period of use
- we have the right to direct the use of the asset
When a lease is recognised in a contract, we recognise a right of use asset and lease liability at the commencement date. The right of use asset is initially measured at cost, which comprises the initial amount of the lease liability adjusted for initial direct costs, prepayments, and incentives.
The right of use asset is depreciated using the straight-line method from the commencement date to the earlier of the end of the useful life of the right of use asset, or the end of the lease term. The estimated useful lives of the right of use assets are determined on the same basis as those of property, plant and equipment assets.
The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of the lease payments that are not paid at the commencement date, discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease or, if that rate cannot be readily determined, using the HMT issued incremental borrowing rate.
We have excluded contracts for low value items costing less than £5,000 and contracts with a term shorter than twelve months.
1.11 Prepayments
The EWC has adopted a de minimis threshold of £1,200 (£100 monthly equivalent charge) for the recognition of prepayments. Other than for full month prepayments, the profiled charge will commence from the month following payment.
1.12 Provisions for liabilities and charges
The EWC provides for all legal or constructive obligations that are of uncertain timing or amount at the statement of financial position date on the basis of the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the obligation. In accordance with IAS 37, provisions are only recognised where the transfer of economic benefit is probable, and the amount can be reasonably estimated.
1.13 Short term investments
In accordance with its cash management policy, the EWC holds short-term investments, for up to 12 months, on deposit with one of the main high street banks.
1.14 Employee benefits
As required, the EWC recognises the cost of employee benefits including:
- short-term employee benefits, being the ’cost’ of untaken annual leave at the year-end
- post-employment benefits, in respect of termination benefits
1.15 Cash and cash equivalents
The EWC’s core functions are funded from fee income from the statutory annual registration of practitioners, and other activities completed on behalf of Welsh Government are funded by grant. Fee income is received annually in advance and grant funding is drawn down on a quarterly and then monthly basis, as required. Because of the non-trading nature of these activities and these sources of funding, the EWC is not exposed to any degree of financial risk.
Its cash balances are held in commercial bank accounts: the EWC is exposed to minimal interest rate risk. Although the EWC can borrow funds, it has not required to do so in this financial year.
1.16 Foreign exchange
Transactions which are denominated in a foreign current are translated into sterling at the exchange rate ruling on the date of the transaction.
2. Other Income
| 2023-24 | 2022-23 |
| £000’s | £000’s |
Miscellaneous income |
27 |
27 |
QMYW contract with Welsh Government |
74 |
76 |
Total |
101 |
103 |
The EWC is contracted by Welsh Government to administer and further develop the Quality Mark for Youth Work (QMYW) in Wales. The contract ended on 14 February 2024 and following a retender exercise, the EWC have been awarded the contract until March 2025.
3. Direct programme costs
2023-24 | 2022-23 |
£000’s | £000’s | £000’s |
£000's |
EWC | WG | Total | Total |
Members’ costs |
37 |
5 |
42 |
39 |
Panel members’ costs |
116 |
- |
116 |
94 |
ITE accreditation board costs |
56 |
- |
56 |
58 |
Professional Learning Passport |
- |
150 |
150 |
117 |
IWPRB Secretariat |
- |
140 |
140 |
140 |
Promotion of Careers/Educators Wales |
- |
194 |
194 |
251 |
Database maintenance and development |
12 |
2 |
14 |
14 |
Legal and professional fees - FTP |
901 |
- |
901 |
784 |
Translation costs |
31 |
- |
31 |
16 |
Printing, postage, promotional costs & professional fees |
33 |
- |
33 |
33 |
Total |
1,186 |
491 |
1,677 |
1,546 |
Fitness to practise panel member costs, legal fees, and translation costs are higher this year due to more hearings being held (52 compared with 46 held in 22/23). Promotion of careers/Educators Wales costs are lower this year due to lower advocacy and recruitment costs.
4. Induction programme costs
All Welsh Government expenditure | 2023-24 | 2022-23 |
£000’s | £000’s |
Administration |
80 |
85 |
Induction grant expenditure |
6,326 |
6,530 |
Total |
6,406 |
6,615 |
In the autumn term 2021, Welsh Government increased the level of funding which the EWC released to schools who are providing NQTs with induction support from a maximum of £700 per term to £900 per term. Funding of £350 per term was also made available for those undertaking the induction mentor role. This year, there has been a significant decrease in the numbers of NQTs in receipt of induction funding, this has impacted upon the level of grant remitted. Although the overall number of NQTs has declined, there has been a continued increase in the number of payments made at the maximum termly rate.
On behalf of Welsh Government, the EWC administers funding to the regional consortia/local authorities/schools for the provision of the external verifier role (EV). In September 2022, Welsh Government announced that short term supply NQTs would be supported through induction by an external mentor (EM) who performs the dual role of induction mentor and EV. Funding for the role of EM is paid at £817 per NQT being supported, the role of EV is paid at £467 per NQT being supported.
As previously noted, whilst there has been a decrease in the number of NQTs requiring the support of an EV, this academic year has seen a significant increase in the number of NQTs undertaking induction through short term supply work. This has impacted upon the level of funding remitted and grant required to support the roles of EMs/EVs.
5. Other operating costs
2023-24 | 2022-23 |
£000’s | £000’s | £000’s | £000’s |
EWC | WG | Total | Total |
Officers’ expenses |
8 |
- |
8 |
6 |
Training and recruitment |
32 |
- |
32 |
32 |
Rent and rates |
68 |
- |
68 |
54 |
Service charge and utilities |
92 |
- |
92 |
59 |
Professional fees |
8 |
- |
8 |
49 |
Insurance |
21 |
- |
21 |
20 |
Printing & stationery |
5 |
- |
5 |
3 |
Postage |
9 |
- |
9 |
23 |
Computer costs |
85 |
- |
85 |
67 |
Venue hire |
8 |
- |
8 |
3 |
Audit fees |
24 |
- |
24 |
18 |
Maintenance |
4 |
- |
4 |
1 |
Other costs |
59 |
1 |
60 |
48 |
Total |
423 |
1 |
424 |
383 |
Last year, we had three months rent free as part of a lease negotiation to remove the break clause for office accommodation, therefore, rent and rates costs are higher this year. Service charge and utilities are higher this year due to a general increase in costs and an additional balancing charge being paid relating to a prior year service charge. Computer costs are also higher this year due to the upgrade of the finance system which moved the hosting to the cloud from on-premise, resulting in additional hosting fees.
Professional fees are lower this year as last years contained the cost of commissioning a discovery project for a new registration database. Postage costs are also lower this year as last year included the costs of a post out exercise for the Code of Conduct.
6. Interest receivable
Interest of £219,072 (2022-23: £97,819) was received during the period in respect of the EWC’s bank accounts, including an accrual of £6,754 (2022-23, £2,558).
7. Non-current assets
Office equipment | Computer equipment | Furniture and fittings | Total |
£000’s |
£000’s |
£000’s |
£000’s |
Cost or valuation |
As at 1 April 2023 |
46 |
227 |
322 |
595 |
Additions |
3 |
8 |
2 |
13 |
Disposals |
(5) |
(10) |
- |
(15) |
As at 31 March 2024 |
44 |
225 |
324 |
593 |
Depreciation |
As at 1 April 2023 |
42 |
182 |
282 |
506 |
Charge for year |
3 |
26 |
39 |
68 |
Disposals |
(5) |
(10) |
- |
(15) |
As at 31 March 2024 |
40 |
198 |
321 |
559 |
Net Book Value as at 31 March 2024 |
4 |
27 |
3 |
34 |
Net Book Value as at 1 April 2023 |
5 |
45 |
40 |
89 |
Of the Net Book Value at 31 March 2024, £1,400 was in support of Welsh Government-funded activities (£3,600, as at 31 March 2023).
8. Intangible assets
Database developments | | Total |
£000’s | | £000’s |
Cost or valuation |
As at 1 April 2023 |
2,818 |
2,818 |
Additions |
192 |
192 |
Disposals |
- |
- |
As at 31 March 2024 |
3,010 |
3,010 |
Amortisation |
As at 1 April 2023 |
1,913 |
1,913 |
Charge for year |
449 |
449 |
Disposals |
- |
- |
As at 31 March 2024 |
2,362 |
2,362 |
Net Book Value as at 31 March 2024 |
648 |
648 |
Net Book Value as at 1 April 2023 |
904 |
904 |
Of the Net Book Value at 31 March 2024, £553,000 was in support of Welsh Government-funded activities (£777,000, as at 31 March 2023), mainly relating to the continuing development of Educators Wales platform and the PLP.
There has been no impairment of either non-current or intangible assets, which are shown at cost and considered to be at ‘fair value’.
9. Right of use asset - lease
Office Lease | | Total |
£000’s | | £000’s |
Cost or valuation |
As at 1 April 2023 |
760 |
760 |
Additions |
- |
- |
As at 31 March 2024 |
760 |
760 |
Depreciation |
As at 1 April 2023 |
122 |
122 |
Charge for year |
121 |
121 |
As at 31 March 2024 |
243 |
243 |
Net Book Value as at 31 March 2024 |
517 |
517 |
Net Book Value as at 1 April 2023 |
638 |
638 |
IFRS16: Leases became effective from 1 April 2022. The EWC has complied with this standard and adopted the simple approach to introducing right of use assets. The only right of use asset is the office lease for floors 9 and 10 of Eastgate House. The lease is due to end on 30 June 2028.
10. Trade and other receivables
31 March 2024 | 31 March 2023 |
£000’s | £000’s |
Amounts falling due within one year |
Other receivables |
289 |
590 |
Prepayments |
180 |
133 |
Total |
469 |
723 |
The decrease in other receivables is mainly due to the timing and value of Welsh Government year-end debtor.
11. Cash and cash equivalents
2023-24 | 2022-23 |
£000’s | £000’s |
Balance at 1 April |
5,403 |
4,872 |
Net change in cash and cash equivalent balances |
(166) |
531 |
Balance at 31 March |
5,237 |
5,403 |
The EWC’s cash balances were held in a commercial bank at year end. No balances were held with the Office of HM Paymaster General.
12. Trade and other payables
31 March 2024 | 31 March 2023 |
£000’s | £000’s |
Amounts falling due within one year |
Registration fees prepaid |
762 |
815 |
Other payables |
804 |
372 |
Right of use lease liabilities |
126 |
125 |
Other taxation and social security |
66 |
74 |
Pension |
60 |
58 |
Deferred income: Welsh Government grant |
350 |
555 |
Accruals |
975 |
1,830 |
Total |
3,143 |
3,829 |
Amounts falling due after more than one year |
Deferred income: Welsh Government grant |
242 |
351 |
Right of use lease liabilities |
420 |
545 |
Total |
662 |
896 |
Accruals are lower this year largely due to the value of the year end induction accrual (refer to note 4).
The EWC received grant income from Welsh Government toward the cost of non-current assets. Since these assets will be depreciated over their useful economic life, a deferred liability is recognised at purchase which will be released over the life of the assets
13. Provisions for liabilities and charges
Provisions are recognised in the financial statements when the EWC considers that, as a result of a past event, it has a legal or constructive obligation which will probably result in the transfer of economic benefit and which can be reliably estimated.
Buildings refurbishment | Total |
£000’s | £000’s |
Balance at 1 April |
- |
- |
Provided in the year |
- |
- |
Released in the year |
- |
- |
Balance as at 31 March |
- |
- |
14. Notes to the cash flow statement
Reconciliation of surplus on ordinary activities to net cash inflow from ordinary activities
2023-24 | 2022-23 |
£000’s | £000’s |
(Deficit)/Surplus on ordinary activities |
(84) |
149 |
Depreciation |
68 |
206 |
Amortisation |
449 |
424 |
Depreciation ROU asset |
121 |
ROU asset interest |
6 |
Increase/(Decrease) in Trade and other payables |
(686) |
345 |
(Increase)/Decrease in Trade and other receivables |
253 |
57 |
Increase/(Decrease) in Deferred creditor |
- |
43 |
Increase/(Decrease) in Deferred liability |
(108) |
(79) |
Increase/(Decrease) in provisions |
- |
- |
Release to/from reserves |
(67) |
(8) |
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from ordinary activities |
(48) |
1,052 |
There is no deferred creditor in 2023-24 as this related to the building lease which was previously treated as an operating lease and under IFRS 16 this no longer applies.
Analyses of changes in net funds during the period
2023-24 | 2022-23 |
£000’s |
£000’s |
Net funds as at 1 April |
5,403 |
4,872 |
Net cash inflow/(outflow) |
(166) |
531 |
Net funds at 31 March |
5,237 |
5,403 |
All balances as at 31 March 2024 were held with a commercial bank (including an amount of £2,503,279 held in a 95 day notice account), and cash.
15. Designated reserves
In accordance with the EWC’s financial strategy, the following designated reserves have been established:
Fitness to Practise (FtP) reserve - to minimise the effect of fluctuation in the volume of referred cases on the EWC’s financial position, and to provide for the costs of any legal challenge above and beyond those costs covered by Professional Indemnity Insurance.
Database reserve – to fund the replacement of the Register of Education Practitioners database.
Accommodation reserve - to support the EWC's future costs in respect of its accommodation needs, including the requirement for additional space to host FTP hearings in-house.
Database reserve £000’s | Fitness to Practise reserve £000’s | Accom-modation reserve £000’s | Total £000’s |
Balance at 1 April |
797 |
300 |
37 |
1,134 |
Release from reserves |
(30) |
- |
(37) |
(67) |
Addition to reserves |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Balance at 31 March |
767 |
300 |
- |
1,067 |
16. Capital Commitments
At 31 March 2024, the EWC had capital commitments valued at £643,530 (2022-23, £559,179). This relates to the ongoing upgrade of the registration database, development of digital content for Educators Wales, and phase two of the improvements to the reporting functionality within the PLP.
17. Right of use Lease Liabilities
31 March 2024 | 31 March 2023 |
£000’s | £000’s |
Balance at 1 April |
671 |
760 |
Repayments |
(131) |
(95) |
Finance charges |
6 |
6 |
Total |
546 |
671 |
Annual commitment on building leases by year: |
Within one year |
126 |
125 |
Between one year and five years |
420 |
515 |
Beyond five years |
- |
31 |
420 |
546 |
Total |
546 |
671 |
18. Derivatives and other financial instruments
The EWC has no borrowings and mitigates its exposure to liquidity risk by managing its resources.
All assets and liabilities are denominated in sterling, and so it is not exposed to currency risk.
19. Related party transactions
Welsh Government is regarded as a related party, and during the year the EWC received grant totalling £9,252,000 (£9,389,000 2022-23). This includes a year-end debtor balance of £253,514, (£545,860 2022-23) for the final grant draw down for 2023-24 which is submitted to Welsh Government in June. In addition, as per note 2, the EWC has a contract with Welsh Government to administer and further develop the Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales. During the year the EWC received £73,791 (£75,766 2022-23) from Welsh Government for this contracted work. There have been no expenditure transactions with Welsh Government during 2023-24 (£nil 2022-23).
Council members may also hold positions with organisations that the EWC has transactions with. However, Council members have no influence over these transactions as they occur in the normal course of the EWC’s activities.
During 2023-24, neither Council members, EWC senior officers, nor any of their family were involved directly or indirectly in any transactions with the EWC, apart from the normal payment of expenses and salary.
20. Contingent liabilities
There are no contingent liabilities (2022-23, £nil).
21. Events after the reporting period
There are no events to report as at the date of signing of these Accounts.
The Chief Executive authorised these Accounts for issue on 1 August 2024.